March 3, 2019


PRELUDE       Improvisation on "Be Thou My Vision"   Sean Cotty




* GLORIA PATRI (pew card)


* CALL TO WORSHIP                                 Joe Macaluso                                                                                                                      

Today we are celebrating the holy light that illuminated Jesus and his transfiguration on the mountain.


Light of light: transfusing & transforming light. 

Divine light flooding out the shadows.

Light of love, light of delight.

Light that turns doubters into followers.


It is the same God who at the beginning said: 

“Let there be light,” 

who has shone in our hearts with an understanding 

of the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ.


The mightiest One of all, God the Eternal,

speaks and summons the whole earth 

from the rising of the sun to its setting.


From God’s holy mountain, God’s light, the perfection of beauty, shines out.


* HYMN No. 532                                                  Be Thou My Vision



The world teaches us many ways to love, but all are based on selfish desires and needs. God teaches us how to love: completely, uniquely, unconditionally. 

Let us confess our difficulty in loving as God teaches us, as we pray together;

We are hesitant to confess, Holy God, 

how hard it is to love as you wish. 

It is easy to love you with all that we are, 

except when you ask us to love our neighbor with all that we have. 

We find it hard to love our neighbor,

when it is linked to the way we love ourselves. 

And it is difficult to love anyone—even You—

more than we love ourselves. 
Forgive us, Love Eternal. 

As you took a risk in creating us, 

help us to take risks to love others compassionately, 

to love ourselves genuinely, 

and to love you as completely as you love us 

in Jesus Christ, our Lord and Savior.

(Prayers of Silent Confession)

Kyrie (sung): Lord, have mercy. Lord, have mercy. Christ, have mercy. Christ, have mercy. Lord, have mercy. Lord, have mercy.



In God's Kingdom, all are loved for who they are, not what they do;
In God's Kingdom, all are forgiven for what they do, and don't;
in God's Kingdom, all are welcomed and fed by God's grace and hope.
Forgiven, loved, sent forth—we are not far from God's Kingdom! Thanks be to God. Amen.

ANTHEM:          Every Time I Feel The Spirit       William L. Dawson

                  Soloist - Patrick Mahowald


Every time I feel the spirit, 

moving in my heart, I will pray.


Upon the mountain my Lord spoke,

Out of His mouth came fire and smoke;

Looked all around me, it looked so fine,

Till I asked my Lord is all was mine.


Jordan river is chilly and cold,

It chills the body, but not the soul;

There ain't but one train upon this track,

It runs to heaven and right back.


Prayer of Illumination

Almighty God, give us ears to hear your story in these words of Scripture; give us eyes to see your story in the faces of those that surround us; and give us faith enough, that by your grace, we might serve you until the end of our days. Amen.



2 Corinthians 3:12-4:2                                                     p. 939

Luke 9:28-36                                                                     p. 843

This is the Word of the Lord.

Thanks be to God.


SERMON          Options For Great Boldness      Rev. Donna Field



From the Belhar Confession

We believe in the Triune God, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, who gathers, protects and cares for the Church by Word and spirit, as God has done since the beginning of the world and will do to the end.

We believe in one holy, universal Christian Church, the communion of saints called from the entire human family.

We believe that God has entrusted to the Church the message of reconciliation in and through Jesus Christ; that the Church is called to be the salt of the earth and the light of the world; that the Church is called blessed because it is a peacemaker; that the Church is witness both by word and by deed to the new heaven and the new earth in which righteousness dwells.

We believe that the Church must witness against and strive against any form of injustice, so that justice may roll down like waters, and righteousness like an ever-flowing stream.

Jesus is Lord. 

To the one and only God, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, be the honor and glory for ever and ever.



     Offertory:           Brother James's Air                 Gordon Jacob


The Lord's my Shepherd, I'll not want,

He makes me down to lie in pastures green,

He leaders me the quiet waters by.


My soul He doth restore again and me to walk 

doth make within the paths of blessedness.

Even for His own name's sake.


Yea, though I pass through shadowed vale,

Yet will I fear no ill;

For Thou art with me, 

and Thy rod and staff me comfort still.


My table Thou hast furnished 

in the presence of my foes;

My head with oil Thou dost anoint, 

And my cup overflows.


Goodness and mercy all my days

will surely follow me;

And my Father's heart always

my dwelling place shall be.


        * The Doxology (pew card)     

        * Prayer of Dedication



        *Communion Hymn (pew card)                                          

Remembering with Love and Hope


Communion Prayer

The Lord be with you. And also with you.

Lift up your hearts. We lift them up to the Lord.

Let us give thanks to the Lord our God.

It is right to give our thanks and praise.

Sanctus (pew card)

Mystery of the Faith:

Christ has died, Christ is risen, Christ will come again.

Words of Institution



Lord’s Prayer (pew card)

Response:                     Hear Our Prayer, O Heavenly Father


Hear our prayer, O Heavenly Father,

for the dear Redeemer's sake. Amen.


* HYMN No. 93                         All Hail The Power of Jesus' Name



Response:                         Savior, Again to Your Dear Name


Grant us your peace throughout our earthly life:

comfort in sorrow, courage in the strife;

then, when your voice shall make our conflict cease,

call us, O Lord, to your eternal peace.


POSTLUDE                     Toccata in b-minor                        Gigout

All are invited to join us in Gessner Hall for coffee hour.


Guest Preacher

We welcome to the pulpit, Rev. Donna Field, currently the president of Nassau Suffolk Classis. Recently she served the Community Reformed Church at Manhasset as transitional minister and she began a doctoral program in September. Rev. Field is also a Registered Nurse. She works as a Medical Ethicist for Northwell Health and resides in Long Island, NY with her husband Tom and daughter Victoria.

Free Concert Series

Our concert series "Music in a Sacred Space" will be returning on Saturday, March 16th with a recital by pianist Abram Korsunsky. He will be performing works by Beethoven, Chopin, and Schumann. The recital will begin at 7:30 pm in the Church on the Hill Sanctuary followed by a reception in Gessner Hall. Admission is free, and there will be a free will offering for the concert series fund.

New Members Class

Interested in learning more about what it means to be a member of Church on the Hill and about our ministries and values? A New Members class will be held after church from 12:30-2:30 p.m. on March 17 and 24 followed by lunch. The class will answer the questions above and share more about Church on the Hill's history. If you are interested, please contact Rev. Crawford.

Youth & Children Ministries

Sunday School for youths aged 9-13 will meet at 9:45 a.m. in the sanctuary, before moving to room 2C. The class finishes around 10:40 a.m. Jeanne Sarran teaches this class.


Children & Worship children aged 3-8 will be dismissed from the worship service following the Junior Sermon and will meet in room 2D with Molly Mahowald. Children can be picked up after the worship service.

Looking Ahead – Mark your calendars!

·      Tues. Mar. 5        7:30 PM   Adult Bible Study

·      Wed. Mar. 6       7:30 PM   No Indoor Yoga Class

                                8:00 PM   Ash Wednesday Service

·      Thurs. Mar. 7     10:00 AM   Bargain Boutique

                                5:45 PM   Queens Children Comm. Choir

                            6:00 PM    Prayer Group

                                 7:30 PM   Choir Rehearsal

·      Sat. Mar 9         10:00 AM   Bargain Boutique

·      Sun. Mar. 10       9:45 AM   Sunday School classes

                              11:10 AM   Children and Worship



Remember the following individuals in your daily prayer:

Diane Blagburn, Michael Breazzano, David Cerqueira, Jessica Costagliola, Allegra DeMelo, Lucas Ditta, Joan Dwyer, Matt Field, Frocione family, Jose Gracinda, Hotchkiss Family, Jason Knese, Marge LiBert, Jane Lynch, Jorge and Tiffany Martinez, Carol Meadows, Jean Mendler, Larry Murray, Joan Pearson, Kook Ryo, Ivanette and Harold Shinsato, Kane Shinsato, Kathy Shinsato, Janet Stillwagon, Alison Venable and Mel Werbel

September 9, 2018


PRELUDE Sonata in F Major - Movement I Mozart



* GLORIA PATRI (pew card)

* CALL TO WORSHIP Maureen Chen

(Based on Psalm 68:5-6)

Sing to God, sing praises to his name!

Lift up a song to him, who rides upon the clouds!

His name is the Lord—be exultant before him.

Father of orphans and protector of widows

Is God in his holy home.

God gives the desolate a home to live in;

God leads out the prisoners to prosperity,

But the rebellious live in a sun-scorched land.

* HYMN No. 66 The God of Abraham Praise


(After the Junior Sermon, children ages 3-8 are dismissed to Children &

Worship. Children & Worship meets in Room 1A. Children can be picked up

there after the service.)


God of love and justice,

we long for peace within and peace without.

We long for the day when our homes

will be a dwelling place for your love.

Yet we confess that we are often anxious,

we do not trust each other,

and we harbor violence.

We are not willing to take the risks

and make the sacrifices that love requires.

(Prayers of Silent Confession)

Kyrie (sung): Lord, have mercy. Lord, have mercy.

Christ, have mercy. Christ, have mercy.

Lord, have mercy. Lord, have mercy.


Hear these words of our Lord Jesus Christ: “Come to me, all

you that are weary and are carrying heavy burdens, and I will

give you rest.

Gracious Lord, give us this rest.

“Take my yoke upon you, and learn from me; for I am gentle

and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls.”

Gracious Lord, give us this rest.

“For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.”

Gracious Lord, grant us your peace.

ANTHEM: Lead Me, Lord Garth Edmundson

Lead me, Lord. 

Lead me in Thy righteousness,

O Lord, make Thy ways,

Thy ways plain before my face.

O Lord, lead, O Lord.

Lead me in Thy righteousness.

Thou, O Lord, it is Thou,

Thou who makes me to dwell.

Only dwell in safety,

Dwell with Thee in safety.

Lead me Lord.



O God, you are nearer to us than we are to ourselves. May

your Word awaken us to your loving presence this morning.



Isaiah 35:1-11 p. 578

James 2:1-9 p. 981

This is the Word of the Lord.

Thanks be to God.

SERMON Coming Home Rev. Blaine Crawford


The Apostles’ Creed (pew card)


     Offertory:   With a Voice of Singing Martin Shaw

With a voice of singing, declare ye this,

and let it be heard, Alleluia.

Utter it even unto the ends of the earth.

The Lord hath delivered his people, Alleluia.

O be joyful in God, all ye lands,

O sing praises to the honor of his name,

make his praise to be glorious.

* The Doxology (pew card)

* Prayer of Dedication


*Communion Hymn (pew card)

Remembering with Love and Hope


Communion Prayer

The Lord be with you. And also with you.

Lift up your hearts. We lift them up to the Lord.

Let us give thanks to the Lord our God.

It is right to give our thanks and praise.

Sanctus (pew card)

Mystery of the Faith:

Christ has died, Christ is risen, Christ will come again.

Words of Institution


Lord’s Prayer (pew card)

Response: All Things Come of Thee, O Lord

All things come of thee, O Lord,

and of thine own we have given thee.

* HYMN No. 643 I Know Not Where the Road Will Lead


Response: Sevenfold Amen

POSTLUDE Little Prelude and Fugue in C major Bach

All are invited to join us downstairs in Gessner

Hall for coffee hour.


Sunday School Begins September 9

This fall, two classes are offered for youth Sunday School.

Children ages 9-12 meet at 9:45 a.m. in the sanctuary, before

moving to classroom 2D. The class finishes around 10:40

a.m. Jeanne Sarran teaches this class.

Our biggest change to our youth ministry this fall will be

combining Children & Worship and Sunday school for ages 3-8.

It will continue to go by the name of Children & Worship but will

be using more of the Sunday School curriculum. These kids will

be dismissed from the worship service following the Junior

Sermon and will meet in classroom 1A, the room across the

hallway from the church office. Molly Mahowald will serve as

lead teacher for this class. Children can be picked up after the

worship service.

Bible Study Begins September 11

This fall, Rev. Crawford will lead the Bible study group through the

Gospel of John, following the "signs" that John leaves throughout

his gospel. What are these “signs;” and what are they pointing to?

What is it that John wants us to see and know and experience

about Jesus Christ? The Bible study meets weekly on

Tuesday evenings at 7:30 p.m. in Room 2A.

An Invitation to Join the Choir

Music plays a significant role in our worship at Church on the Hill.

Through the gifts and talents of our volunteer choir members, the

choir helps usher us into God’s loving presence

each Sunday during worship. If you’re interested in joining, this fall

is a great opportunity to give it a try! The first rehearsal will be

on Thursday, September 13, at 7:30 p.m. in the sanctuary!

Church BBQ – Next Sunday, September 16 

After worship, please join us for our church BBQ! Meats and drinks

will be provided. Please bring a side dish to share!

Free Yoga

Beginning September 19, we will continue to offer

free yoga classes in Gessner Hall on Wednesday evenings,

from 7:30 to 8:30 p.m. The class is for all ability levels! Join us and

bring a friend to this free class.

Prayer Request List

The prayer list has started anew. If you would like the church to

pray for someone, please let the church office know and the name

will be included in the new list.

Ushers Needed

Would you be willing to serve as an usher during worship services?

Ushers distribute bulletins, assist congregants to their seats if

needed, and collect the offering. Serving as an usher provides a

great opportunity to meet new people in the church and to help

create an atmosphere of hospitality. If interested, please contact

the church office.

Looking Ahead – Mark your calendars!

 Sun. Sept. 9 10:00 AM Sunday School

11:10 AM Children & Worship

 Tues. Sept. 11 7:30 PM Bible Study

 Wed. Sept. 12 7:30 PM Consistory

 Thurs. Sept. 13 5:45 PM Queens Children Community


6:00 PM Prayer Group

7:30 PM Choir Rehearsal

 Sat. Sept. 15 10:00 AM Bargain Boutique re-opens

 Sun. Sept. 16 10:00 AM Sunday School classes

11:10 AM Children and Worship

12:00 PM Church BBQ

 Wed. Sept. 19 7:30 PM Indoor Yoga Class


Remember the following individuals in your daily prayer:

Jose Gracinda and David Cerqueira, Jessica Costagliola, Allegra DeMelo,

Lucas Ditta, Frocione family, Hotchkiss Family, Jason Knese, Jane Lynch,

Jorge and Tiffany Martinez, Joseph Mazzilli, Gerry Mendler, Kook Ryo,

Ivanette and Harold Shinsato, Kane Shinsato, Kathy Shinsato, Mel Werbel

Children are always welcome in worship at Church on the Hill. At the back

of the sanctuary, the Family Room is open for young children and their

parents. Changing tables are also available in the restrooms downstairs in

Gessner Hall.

September 2, 2018


PRELUDE: Improvisation on “America” Sean Cotty



* SANCTUS (pew card)

* CALL TO WORSHIP Patrick Symes

Satisfy us in the morning with your steadfast love,

So that we may rejoice and be glad all our days.

Let your work be manifest to your servants, and your glorious

power to your children.

Let the favor of the Lord our God be upon us, and prosper

for us the work of our hands.

* HYMN No. 263 Alleluia, Sing to Jesus


Holy and merciful God,

in your presence we confess

our sinfulness and our shortcomings.

You alone know how often we have sinned

in wandering from your ways,

in wasting your gifts,

in forgetting your love.

Forgive our sins,

and help us to live in your light

and walk in your ways.

(Prayers of Silent Confession)

Kyrie (sung):  Lord, have mercy. Lord, have mercy.

Christ, have mercy. Christ, have mercy.

Lord, have mercy. Lord, have mercy.


To all who turn from sin in sorrow,

to all who turn to God in hope,

this is God’s Word of grace:

We are accepted, we are forgiven, we are loved.

This gift we have from God through Christ.

Thanks be to God.

DUET: Panis Angelicus Cesar Franck

May the Bread of Angels

Become bread for mankind;

The Bread of Heaven puts

All foreshadowings to an end;

Oh, thing miraculous!

The body of the Lord will nourish

the poor, the poor,

the servile, and the humble.


Lord’s Prayer (pew card)

Response: My Peace

My peace I give unto you.

It’s a peace that the world cannot give.

It’s a peace that the world cannot understand,

Peace to know, peace to live.

My peace, I give unto you.

* HYMN No. 704 As Sons of the Day and Daughters of Light


Lord, our God,

we bless and thank you for the gift of your Word.

Grant your servant both the humility

and the boldness necessary to preach it.

Prepare our hearts and lives to be strengthened and changed

by it.

Through Christ, our Lord. Amen.


Mark 7:1-23 p. 818

This is the Word of the Lord.

Thanks be to God.

SERMON It’s What’s Inside That Counts Rev. Douglas Estella


Apostles’ Creed (pew card)


     Offertory:   Guide Me, O Thou Great Jehovah Ovid Young

Guide me, O Thou great Jehovah,

pilgrim through this barren land.

I am weak but Thou art mighty;

Hold me with Thy powerful hand.

Bread of Heaven, Bread of Heaven,

Feed me till I want no more.

Feed me till I want no more.

Open now the crystal fountain,

Whence the healing stream doth flow;

Let the fire and cloudy pillar 

lead me all my journey through.

Strong Deliverer, strong Deliverer,

Be Thou still my strength and shield,

Be Thou still my strength and shield.

When I tread the verge of Jordan, 

Bid my anxious fears subside.

Bear me through the swelling current,

Land me safe on Canaan's side.

Songs of praises, songs of praises,

I will ever give to Thee.

Songs of praises, songs of praises,

I will ever give to Thee.

* The Doxology (pew card)

* Prayer of Dedication

* HYMN No. 418 America, the Beautiful


Response: A Gaelic Blessing

Deep peace of the running wave to you,

Deep peace of the flowing air to you,

Deep peace of the quiet earth to you,

Deep peace of the shining stars to you,

Deep peace of the gently night to you,

Moon and stars pour their healing light to you.

Deep peace of Christ, of Christ

The light of the world to you,

Deep peace of Christ to you.

POSTLUDE: Little Fugue in G minor Bach


Guest Preacher:

We welcome Rev. Douglas Estella back to the pulpit today. Rev.

Estella is an ordained minister in the RCA and a member of

Queens Classis. This June he retired from teaching high school

with the NYC Department of Education, and is available for pulpit

supply in various local churches.

Appreciations: We thank Emerson Chen and Patrick Mahowald

for sharing their musical talents to enhance our worship service.

Next Sunday, worship service will start at 11:00 am.

Recital:  Saturday, September 8th at 7:30 pm

Emily Kate Naydeck, soprano soloist

Sean Cotty, piano

German, French, and Spanish art songs and solo piano pieces

This concert is free and open to the public.

Reception to follow in Gessner Hall.

Free Yoga

Beginning September 19, we will continue to offer free yoga

classes in Gessner Hall on Wednesday evenings, from 7:30 to 8:30

p.m. The class is for all ability levels! Join us and bring a friend to

this free class.

Prayer Request List

The prayer list has started anew. If you would like the church to

pray for someone, please let the church office know and the name

will be included in the new list.

Looking Ahead – Mark your calendars!

 Mon. Sept. 3 Labor Day Church office and building closed

 Thurs. Sept. 6 6:00 PM Worship Committee Meeting

7:30 PM Choir rehearsal

 Fri. Sept 7 6:00 PM Women’s Shelter

 Sat. Sept. 8 9:00 AM Faithwalking Retreat

 Sun. Sept. 9 11:00 AM Worship Service begins

 Tues. Sept. 11 7:30 PM Bible Study

 Wed. Sept. 12 6:00 PM Tae Kwon Do

7:30 PM Consistory

 Thurs. Sept. 13 5:45 PM Queens Children Community Choir

6:00 PM Prayer Group

 Sat. Sept. 15 9:00 AM Faithwalking Retreat

10:00 AM Bargain Boutique re-opens

 Sun. Sept. 16 10:00 AM Sunday School classes resume

11:15 AM Children and Worship

12:00 PM Church BBQ

 Wed. Sept. 19 7:30 PM Indoor Yoga Class


Remember the following individuals in your daily prayer:

Jose, Gracinda and David Cerqueira, Allegra DeMelo, Frocione

family, Jason Knese, Jorge and Tiffany Martinez, Kook Ryo, Mel


August 26, 2018


PRELUDE: The Sunken Cathedral Debussy



* SANCTUS (pew card)

* CALL TO WORSHIP Patrick Mahowald

How lovely is your dwelling place, O LORD of hosts!

My soul longs for the courts of the LORD.

My heart and flesh sing for joy to the living God.

Blessed are those who live in your house, ever singing

your praise!

* HYMN No. 340 Amid the Thronging Worshipers


Merciful God,

we confess that we have sinned against you

in thought, word, and deed,

by what we have done,

and by what we have left undone.

We have not loved you

with our whole heart and mind and strength.

We have not loved our neighbors as ourselves.

In your mercy forgive what we have been,

help us amend what we are,

and direct what we shall be.

(Prayers of Silent Confession)

Kyrie (sung):  Lord, have mercy. Lord, have mercy.

Christ, have mercy. Christ, have mercy.

Lord, have mercy. Lord, have mercy.


Hear the good news:

Christ died for us while we were yet sinners;

that proves God’s love toward us.

In the name of Jesus Christ, you are forgiven!

In the name of Jesus Christ, we are forgiven.

Glory be to God.

ANTHEM: The Twenty-third Psalm Malotte

The Lord is my shepherd; 

I shall not want.

He maketh me to lie down in green pastures: 

He leadeth me beside the still waters.

He restoreth my soul: 

He leadeth me in the paths of righteousness for His name’s sake.

Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, 

I will fear no evil: for thou art with me; 

thy rod and thy staff they comfort me.

Thou preparest a table before me in the presence of mine enemies: 

thou anointest my head with oil; my cup runneth over.

Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life: 

and I will dwell in the house of the Lord for ever, and evermore.


Lord’s Prayer (pew card)

Response: Cast Thy Burden Upon The Lord

Cast thy burden upon the Lord;

and he shall sustain thee:

He will never suffer the righteous to fall;

He is at thy right hand.

Thy mercy, Lord is great;

and far above the heavens.

Let none be ashamed that wait upon Thee!

* HYMN No. 316 For Your Holy Book We Thank You


O God, open our hearts and minds

by the power of your Holy Spirit,

that as the Scriptures are read

and your Word is proclaimed,

we may hear what you are saying to us today. Amen.


Colossians 3: 2-3 p. 957

This is the Word of the Lord.

Thanks be to God.

SERMON Becoming Who You Are Carlos Rivera


Apostles’ Creed (pew card)


     Offertory:   The Beatitudes Malotte

Blessed are the poor in spirit:

For theirs is the kingdom of heaven.

Blessed are they that mourn:

For they shall be comforted.

Blessed are the meek:

For they shall inherit the earth.

Blessed are they which do hunger and thirst

after righteousness:

For they shall be filled.

* The Doxology (pew card)

* Prayer of Dedication

* HYMN No. 92 Crown Him with Many Crowns


Response: May the Good Lord Bless and Keep You

May the good Lord bless and keep you,

Whether near or far away.

May you find that long awaited golden day today.

May your troubles all be small ones,

and your fortune ten times ten.

May the good Lord bless and keep you

Till we meet again.

May you walk with sunlight shining,

and a bluebird in every tree.

May there be a silver lining,

back of every cloud you see.

Fill your dreams with sweet tomorrows.

Never mind what might have been.

May the good Lord bless and keep you

Till we meet again.

POSTLUDE: Seguidillas Albeniz

Appreciations: We thank Emerson Chen for sharing his musical

talents to enhance our worship service.


Worship Service will start at 10:00 AM next Sunday. Beginning

Sunday, September 9 th , service will begin at 11:00 AM.

Recital:  Saturday, September 8th at 7:30 pm

Emily Kate Naydeck, soprano soloist

Sean Cotty, piano

German, French, and Spanish art songs and solo piano pieces

This concert is free and open to the public.

Reception to follow in Gessner Hall.

Free Yoga

Yoga in the Yard will continue on Saturday mornings from 8:30 to

9:30 a.m. on September 1.

Beginning September 19, we will continue to offer free yoga

classes in Gessner Hall on Wednesday evenings, from 7:30 to 8:30

p.m. The class is for all ability levels! Join us and bring a friend to

this free class.

Sheryl Klarmann, our new office administrator, will begin her

position on Tuesday, September 4.

Prayer Request List

Beginning next Sunday, the prayer list in the bulletin will be started

anew. If you would like the church to pray for someone, please let

the church office know and the name will be included in the new


Looking Ahead – Mark your calendars!

 Mon. Sept. 3 Labor Day Church office and building closed

 Thurs. Sept. 6 6:00 PM Worship Committee Meeting

7:30 PM Choir rehearsal

 Fri. Sept 7 6:00 PM Women’s Shelter

 Sat. Sept. 8 9:00 AM Faithwalking Retreat

 Sun. Sept. 9 11:00 AM Worship Service begins

 Tues. Sept. 11 7:30 PM Bible Study

 Wed. Sept. 12 6:00 PM Tae Kwon Do

7:30 PM Consistory

 Thurs. Sept. 13 5:45 PM Queens Children Community Choir

6:00 PM Prayer Group

 Sat. Sept. 15 9:00 AM Faithwalking Retreat

10:00 AM Bargain Boutique re-opens

 Sun. Sept. 16 10:00 AM Sunday School classes resume

11:15 AM Children and Worship

12:00 PM Church BBQ

 Wed. Sept. 19 7:30 PM Indoor Yoga Class


Bermudez family, Diane Blagburn, Michael Breazzano, Angela

Brunjes, Jose, Gracinda and David Cerqueira, Rosemarie Dappio,

Matthew Dagiau, Dombrowski family, Joan Dwyer, Bernice Herbert,

Lynne Johnson, Kathy Kissane, Jason Knese, Jane Lynch, Ginny

Marsico, Denise Moran, Stacey Muller, Ruth Murray, Joan Pearson,

Keith Pearson, Megan Peters, Isabelita Rueda, Kook Ryo, Debra &

Greg Sparrow, Mel Werbel