August 19, 2018


PRELUDE: Ich Ruf Zu Dir Bach



* SANCTUS (pew card)


It is good to give thanks to the LORD, to make music to your

name, O Most High;

To proclaim your love in the morning and your

faithfulness by night;

To the melody of music of the lute and the harp;

For you, O LORD, have made me glad by your work; at the

works of your hands, I sing for joy.

* HYMN No. 320 Come, Let Us Praise the Lord


Eternal God, you do not change.

You have revealed yourself to us in your Word.

You call us to worship you in spirit and in truth.

But we confess that we often worship

not your true self but who we wish you to be.

We too often ask you to bless what we do

rather than seeking to do what you bless.

Forgive us when our worship shapes you into what we


instead of shaping us into what you want.

(Prayers of Silent Confession)

Kyrie (sung):  Lord, have mercy. Lord, have mercy.

Christ, have mercy. Christ, have mercy.

Lord, have mercy. Lord, have mercy.


When you were dead in your trespasses, God made you alive

together with Christ,

When he forgave us all our trespasses, erasing the record

that stood against us.

Therefore, as you have received Christ, continue to live your

lives in him,

Rooted and built up in him, established in the faith, and

abounding in thanksgiving.

ANTHEM: Set Me as a Seal Joseph Martin

(Song of Solomon 8:6-7)

Set me as a seal upon your heart, as a seal upon your arm. For love is

stronger than death.

Many waters cannot quench love. Neither can the rivers drown it; for love

burns brighter than flame, more unyielding that the grave. Love is a gift of

perfect grace.

Love is stronger, for love is stronger than death.


Lord’s Prayer (pew card)

Response: Hide Not Thou Thy Face Richard Farrant

Hide not thou thy face from us, O Lord, and cast not off thy servants in

thy displeasure;

For we confess our sins unto thee, and hide not our unrighteousness.

For thy mercy’s sake deliver us from all our sins.

* HYMN No. 663 Stand up, Stand up for Jesus


God, our helper,

by your Holy Spirit open our minds

and lead us into your truth

for the sake of Jesus Christ, our Lord. Amen.


Psalm 34:9-14 p. 441

Ephesians 5:15-20 p. 952

This is the Word of the Lord.

Thanks be to God.

SERMON Singing the Faith Rev. Blaine Crawford


They’ll Know We Are Christians By Our Love

We are one in the Spirit, we are one in the Lord

We are one in the Spirit, we are one in the Lord

And we pray that our unity will one day be restored

And they’ll know we are Christians by our love, by our love

Yeah they’ll know we are Christians by our love.

We will work with each other, we will work side by side

We will work with each other, we will work side by side

And we’ll guard each man’s dignity and save each man’s pride

And they’ll know we are Christians by our love, by our love

Yeah, they’ll know we are Christians by our love.


Apostles’ Creed (pew card)


     Offertory:   The Lord is My Shepherd Howard Goodall

(Psalm 23)

The Lord is my shepherd, I shall not want; He maketh me to lie down

in green pastures: He leadeth me beside the still waters. Yea, though I

walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil: For

you are with me, you will comfort me. Surely goodness and mercy

shall follow me all the days of my life: And I will dwell in the house of

the Lord forever.

* The Doxology (pew card)

* Prayer of Dedication

* HYMN No. 694 Glorious Things of Thee Are Spoken


Response: from Rejoice in the Lord Alway Henry Purcell

(Philippians 4:7)

And the peace of God, which passeth all understanding, shall keep

your hearts and minds through Jesus Christ our Lord.

POSTLUDE Little Prelude and Fugue in D minor. Bach


We thank Dorien Day, Bruce Hoffacker, Elizabeth Mahowald

and Patrick Mahowald for sharing their musical talents to

enhance our worship service.


Our flowers are given in loving memory of Dorothy Heckel by the

Krsnak family.

Faithwalking Retreat

Church on the Hill is hosting a Faithwalking retreat on September 8

and 15. The retreat will be from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. Retreat

participants are required to attend both Saturdays. Lunch and

snacks will be provided. 

This retreat is open to anyone interested in deepening their faith in

Jesus and desiring to follow more and more in his

ways. Faithwalking is a spiritual formation process where people

are increasingly following the way of Jesus, experiencing ongoing

transformation, and developing effective practices for missional

living: serving the poor, the marginalized, and those in need;

working for the common good; and restoring individuals, social

systems, communities, and nations to God’s intended design.

Cost is $125. Scholarships to offset the cost are available to

Church on the Hill members. 

Register on our website or by contacting the church office

Bargain Boutique

Our thrift shop has closed for the summer and will re-open on

Saturday, September 15 at 10 a.m. We are currently accepting

donations. Thank you for your continue support.

Prayer Request List

In September, the prayer list will be started anew. If you would like

the church to pray for someone, please let church office know and

the name will be included in the new list.

Queens Community Children’s Choir

Beginning this fall 2018, the Queens Community Children's

Choir at Church on the Hill will provide an exciting new

opportunity for your child to sing and learn more about music!

As part of the children's choir, your child will grow in musical

literacy and training, develop vocal technique, and learn deep

insight into the historical and cultural foundations of music!

The choir will be directed by Mr. Sean Cotty, who is the

current Director of Music at Church on the Hill and is a NYS

Certified Music Teacher. In addition, all volunteers assisting

with the choir have up-to-date background checks.

The choir will rehearse weekly on Thursdays, from 5:45-

6:45pm, beginning September 13. The choir will perform 6-8

times, including at services at Church on the Hill; at

neighborhood interfaith services; at concerts and hopefully, at

a professional baseball game. A full schedule will be available

later in the summer.

The choir is open to all children from kindergarten through

sixth grade. Registration is on our website. Cost is $25 per

child. Family discounts are available.

Free Yoga

Yoga in the Yard will continue on Saturday mornings from 8:30 to

9:30 a.m. until September 1.

Beginning September 12, we will continue to offer free yoga

classes in Gessner Hall on Wednesday evenings, from 7:30 to 8:30

p.m. The class is for all ability levels! Join us and bring a friend to

this free class.


Bermudez family, Diane Blagburn, Michael Breazzano, Angela

Brunjes, Jose, Gracinda and David Cerqueira, Rosemarie Dappio,

Matthew Dagiau, Dombrowski family, Joan Dwyer, Bernice Herbert,

Lynne Johnson, Kathy Kissane, Jason Knese, Jane Lynch, Ginny

Marsico, Denise Moran, Stacey Muller, Ruth Murray, Joan Pearson,

Keith Pearson, Megan Peters, Isabelita Rueda, Kook Ryo, Debra &

Greg Sparrow, Mel Werbel

August 12, 2018



Variations on “Twinkle Twinkle Little Star”



* SANCTUS (pew card)


Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ,
Who has blessed us in Christ with every spiritual blessing.
God chose us, before the foundation of the world, to be holy
and blameless in love.
God adopted us as children, through his good pleasure.
In Christ, we have redemption, forgiveness and grace.
Through the Holy Spirit, the power of God is at work in us,
building us up into the dwelling place of God, and sending
us to be the presence of Christ in the world.

* HYMN No. 376 We Gather Together


Loving Father, you bring us into your family free of cost and
lavish on us every good gift from heaven. But the old life
lingers. It’s hard to become new, to grow into the full statute of
Jesus Christ.

Forgive us: the times we speak lies to one another and
truth is far from our hearts.

Forgive us: the times we lash out in anger at people
created in your image.
Forgive us: the times we covet what we do not have instead
of hungering for your kingdom.
(Prayers of Silent Confession)
Kyrie (sung):  Lord, have mercy. Lord, have mercy.
Christ, have mercy. Christ, have mercy.
Lord, have mercy. Lord, have mercy.


For once you were darkness, but now, in the Lord, you are
Live as children of light—for the fruit of the light is found
in all that is good and right and true.
Try to find out what is pleasing to the Lord—and do it!
Be servants to one another out of reverence for Christ.


DUET:                                The King of Love My Shepherd Is                      Harry Rowe Shelley

Maureen and Emerson Chen

The King of love my Shepherd is,
Whose goodness faileth never;
I nothing lack if I am His,
And He is mine forever.
Where streams of living water flow,
My ransomed soul He leadeth,
And where the verdant pastures grow, 
With food celestial feedeth. 

Perverse and foolish, often I strayed,
But yet in love He sought me,
And on His shoulder gently laid,

And home rejoicing brought me.
In death’s dark vale I fear no ill,
With Thee, dear Lord, beside me; 
Thy rod and staff my comfort still,
Thy cross before to guide me.
Thou spread a table in my sight, 
Thy unction grace bestoweth,
And O, the transport of delight
With which my cup overfloweth.
And so, through all the length of days,
Thy goodness faileth never;
Good shepherd, may I sing Thy praise
Within Thy house forever!


Lord’s Prayer (pew card)

Response:                Jesus Paid It All

Jesus paid it all; all to Him I owe.
Sin had left a crimson stain;
He washed it white as snow.

* HYMN No. 706 How Blest Are the People


O God, open our hearts and minds, through the power of your
Holy Spirit, that your Word might dwell deep within us, putting
down roots, and making a home in us. May your fullness fill us
with grace and peace today. Amen.


Psalm 34:1-8 p. 441
Ephesians 4:22-5:2 p. 951

This is the Word of the Lord.
Thanks be to God.

SERMON                              Dressed Up in Christ                          Rev. Blaine Crawford


Apostles’ Creed (pew card)


Offertory:                                Ave Maria                             Charles Gounod

Maureen Saepia-Chen, soloist 

(Sung in Latin)

Hail Mary full of grace,
The Lord is with thee
Blessed art thou amongst women
And blessed is the fruit of thy womb, Jesus.
Holy Mary, mother of God
Pray for us sinners,
Now and at the hour of our death.

* The Doxology (pew card)

* Prayer of Dedication

* HYMN No. 643 I Know Not Where the Road Will Lead


Response:                 A Gaelic Blessing

Deep peace of the running wave to you,
Deep peace of the flowing air to you,
Deep peace of the quiet earth to you,
Deep peace of the shining stars to you,
Deep peace of the gently night to you,
Moon and stars pour their healing light to you.
Deep peace of Christ, of Christ
The light of the world to you,
Deep peace of Christ to you.

POSTLUDE:                     Improvisation on “Immaculate Mary”                    Sean Cotty


Appreciations: We thank Emerson and Maureen Chen for sharing
their musical talents to enhance our worship service.

Faithwalking Retreat

Church on the Hill is hosting a Faithwalking retreat on September 8
and 15. The retreat will be from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. Retreat
participants are required to attend both Saturdays. Lunch and
snacks will be provided. 
This retreat is open to anyone interested in deepening their faith in
Jesus and desiring to follow more and more in his
ways. Faithwalking is a spiritual formation process where people
are increasingly following the way of Jesus, experiencing ongoing
transformation, and developing effective practices for missional
living: serving the poor, the marginalized, and those in need;
working for the common good; and restoring individuals, social
systems, communities, and nations to God’s intended design.
Cost is $125. Scholarships to offset the cost are available to
Church on the Hill members. 
Register on our website or by contacting the church office.

Queens Community Children's Choir

Beginning this fall 2018, the Queens Community Children's
Choir at Church on the Hill will provide an exciting new
opportunity for your child to sing and learn more about music!
As part of the children's choir, your child will grow in musical
literacy and training, develop vocal technique, and learn deep
insight into the historical and cultural foundations of music!
The choir will be directed by Mr. Sean Cotty, who is the
current Director of Music at Church on the Hill and is a NYS

Certified Music Teacher. In addition, all volunteers assisting
with the choir have up-to-date background checks.
The choir will rehearse weekly on Thursdays, from 5:45-
6:45pm, beginning September 13. The choir will perform 6-8
times, including at services at Church on the Hill; at
neighborhood interfaith services; at concerts and hopefully, at
a professional baseball game. A full schedule will be available
later in the summer.

The choir is open to all children from kindergarten through
sixth grade. Registration is on our website. Cost is $25 per
child. Family discounts are available.

Prayer Request List

In September, the prayer list will be started anew. If you would like
the church to pray for someone, please let church office know and
the name will be included in the new list.


Bermudez family, Diane Blagburn, Michael Breazzano, Angela
Brunjes, Jose, Gracinda and David Cerqueira, Rosemarie Dappio,
Matthew Dagiau, Dombrowski family, Joan Dwyer, Bernice Herbert,
Lynne Johnson, Kathy Kissane, Jason Knese, Jane Lynch, Ginny
Marsico, Denise Moran, Stacey Muller, Ruth Murray, Joan Pearson,
Keith Pearson, Megan Peters, Isabelita Rueda, Kook Ryo, Debra &
Greg Sparrow, Mel Werbel

August 5, 2018


PRELUDE Reverie Debussy



* GLORIA PATRI (pew card)

* CALL TO WORSHIP Jeanne Sarran

We bow our knees before God the Father,
From whom every family in heaven and on earth takes its
We worship and follow Jesus Christ,
Who dwells in our hearts through faith.
We listen to and obey the Spirit’s promptings,
That we may be strengthened in our inner being and be
filled with all the fullness of God.

* HYMN No. 776 Let Us Break Bread Together


Merciful God,
You have made us into one body through the Spirit;
You have called us to the one hope;
You have given each of us grace according to the measure of
Christ’s gift;
Forgive us: when our hearts become embittered and
resentful toward our brothers and sisters.
Forgive us: when we downplay or ignore the gifts of one

Forgive us: when we use our gifts for our own recognition
and honor.
Forgive us: when we make the church about ourselves.
(Prayers of Silent Confession)

Kyrie (sung):  Lord, have mercy. Lord, have mercy.
Christ, have mercy. Christ, have mercy.
Lord, have mercy. Lord, have mercy.


God, who is rich in mercy, out of the great love with which he
loved us, made us alive together with Christ.
By grace we have been saved!
For we are created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God
prepared beforehand to be our way of life.
Glory be to the Father, to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit!
ANTHEM: The New 23rd Ralph Carmichael

Dorien Day, soloist

Because the Lord is my shepherd,
I have everything that I need.
He lets me rest in meadows green
And leads me beside the quiet stream:
He keeps on giving life to me
And helps me to do what honors Him the most.
Even when walking through the dark valley of death,
I will never be afraid,
for he is close beside me,
Guarding, guiding all the way,
He spreads a feast before me
In the presence of my enemies
He welcomes me as His special guest
with blessing overflowing.
His goodness and unfailing kindness

shall be with me all of my life,
and afterwards I will live with Him,
Forever and ever, in His home.


Lord’s Prayer (pew card)

Response:            Flee as a Bird

Flee as a bird to the mountain,
Thou who art weary of sin.
Go to the clear flowing fountain,
Where you may wash and be clean.
Fly for the avenger is near thee,
Call, and the Savior will hear thee.
He on His bosom will bear thee,
O thou who art weary of sin.


O God, may we have the power to comprehend, with all the
saints, the breadth and length and height and depth of the love
of Jesus Christ. And may your Word at work within us,
accomplish abundantly far more than all we can ask or
imagine. Amen.


Psalm 78:23-29 p. 468
Ephesians 4:1-16 p. 951

This is the Word of the Lord.
Thanks be to God.

SERMON                                  Christ In All Things                      Rev. Blaine Crawford

Apostles’ Creed (pew card)


     Offertory:                             Marvelous Mystery                      Joy Sanford

Marvelous Mystery!
Christ was perfect in His Deity,
Yet, He came to earth that I might see,
He died for me, Worthy I'll never be,
Still He took my sins to Calvary;
They were nailed with Him upon the tree
to set me free. 
He was the Son of God!
He didn't have to stay.
He could have turned His back on me
and walked away; But lovingly, willingly,
He took the road to Calvary, 
Saving me for all eternity.
He died for me.

* The Doxology (pew card)

* Prayer of Dedication


*Communion Hymn (pew card)  Remembering with Love and Hope


Communion Prayer

Sanctus (pew card)

Mystery of the Faith:

Christ has died, Christ is risen, Christ will come again.

Words of Institution


Alisha: I thank you, my sisters and brothers, for the love,
kindness, and support you have shown me this summer. I am
grateful for the ministry we have shared together. With joy, I
recall what we accomplished with God’s help. I ask your
forgiveness for mistakes made and expectations not met.

Congregation: We offer our forgiveness and celebrate all
that God has accomplished among us. We are grateful for
your ministry and for your influence on our lives. We ask
your forgiveness for mistakes made and for expectations
not met.

Alisha: I receive your gratitude and forgive your shortcomings.
Congregation: We send you with our blessing and with our

* HYMN No. 532  Be Thou My Vision


Response                May the Road Rise to Meet You

May the road rise to meet you;
May the wind be always at your back;
May the sun shine warm upon your face,
and the rain fall soft upon your fields;
And until we meet again, 
May God hold you in the palm of His hand.

POSTLUDE:                          Music for the Royal Fireworks                        Handel




Following the worship service, a reception will be held outside to
celebrate and thank our summer intern Alisha Riepma. All are
invited to join us!

Appreciations: We thank Dorien Day for sharing her musical
talents to enhance our worship service.

Queens Community Children's Choir

Beginning this fall 2018, the Queens Community Children's
Choir at Church on the Hill will provide an exciting new
opportunity for your child to sing and learn more about music!
As part of the children's choir, your child will grow in musical
literacy and training, develop vocal technique, and learn deep
insight into the historical and cultural foundations of music!
The choir will be directed by Mr. Sean Cotty, who is the
current Director of Music at Church on the Hill and is a NYS
Certified Music Teacher. In addition, all volunteers assisting
with the choir have up-to-date background checks.
The choir will rehearse weekly on a weekday evening during
the school year. The choir will perform 6-8 times, including at
services at Church on the Hill; at neighborhood interfaith
services; at concerts and hopefully, at a professional baseball
game. A full schedule will be available later in the summer.
The choir is open to all children from kindergarten through
sixth grade. Registration is on our website. Cost is $25 per
child. Family discounts are available.

Faithwalking Retreat

Church on the Hill is hosting a Faithwalking retreat on September 8
and 15. The retreat will be from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. Retreat
participants are required to attend both Saturdays. Lunch and
snacks will be provided. 
This retreat is open to anyone interested in deepening their faith in
Jesus and desiring to follow more and more in his
ways. Faithwalking is a spiritual formation process where people
are increasingly following the way of Jesus, experiencing ongoing
transformation, and developing effective practices for missional
living: serving the poor, the marginalized, and those in need;
working for the common good; and restoring individuals, social
systems, communities, and nations to God’s intended design.

Cost is $125. Scholarships to offset the cost are available to
Church on the Hill members. 
Register on our website or by contacting the church office.

July 29, 2018


PRELUDE: Prelude and Fugue in C Minor J.S. Bach



* SANCTUS (pew card)

* CALL TO WORSHIP Elizabeth Mahowald

Make a joyful noise to God, all the earth;
Sing the glory of his name;
Give to him glorious praise.
All the earth worships you;
They sing praises to you,
Sing praises to your name.

* HYMN No. 2 Holy, Holy, Holy! Lord God Almighty


Merciful God,
You pardon all who truly repent and turn to you.
We humbly confess our sins and ask your mercy.
We have not loved you with a pure heart,
Nor have we loved our neighbor as ourselves.
We have not done justice, loved kindness,
Or walked humbly with you, our God.
Have mercy on us, O God, in your loving-kindness.
In your great compassion,
Cleanse us from our sin.
Create in us a clean heart, O God,
And renew a right spirit within us.

Do not cast us from your presence,
Or take your Holy Spirit from us.
Restore to us the joy of your salvation
And sustain us with your bountiful Spirit
Through Jesus Christ, our Lord. Amen.
(Prayers of Silent Confession)
Kyrie (sung): Lord, have mercy. Lord, have mercy.
Christ, have mercy. Christ, have mercy.
Lord, have mercy. Lord, have mercy.


Take comfort in the assurance
that even those things that are hidden from memory,
or are too deep for our words,
are not beyond God's forgiving love.
God, who knows us completely,
bestows pardon and peace.

Thanks be to God.

ANTHEM:                               The Ground                             Ola Gjeilo

Sung in Latin

The Heaven and Earth are yours. Hosanna in the Highest.
He who comes in the name of the Lord is blessed, Hosanna in the Highest.
Lamb of God, who takes away the sins of the world, grant us peace.


Lord’s Prayer (pew card)

Response:                        I Will Lift Up Mine Eyes                   John Clarke-Whitfeld

(Psalm 121:1-2)
I will lift up mine eyes unto the hills, from whence cometh my help.
My help cometh even from the Lord, who hath made heav’n and earth.

* HYMN No. 379 For the Fruit of All Creation


Gracious God,
we do not live by bread alone,
but by every word that comes from your mouth.
Make us hungry for this your Word,
that it may nourish us today
in the ways of eternal life.
Through Jesus Christ, the bread of heaven. Amen.


Psalm 145:10-18 p. 506
Ephesians 3:14-21 p. 950

This is the Word of the Lord.
Thanks be to God.


SERMON                           A Prayer for Today                      Alisha Riepma


Apostles’ Creed (pew card)


Offertory:                                The Word was God                     Rosephanye Powell

(John 1:1-3)

In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word
was God.
The same was in the beginning with God.
All things were made that have been made. Nothing was made He hath not
All things were made by Him and the Word was God!

* The Doxology (pew card)

* Prayer of Dedication

* HYMN No. 89 Our Great Savior

Response:                          I Will Lift Up Mine Eyes            John Clarke-Whitfeld

(Psalm 121:8)
The Lord shall preserve thee from all evil; yea it is He that shall keep thy
The Lord shall preserve thy going out and coming in, from this day forth, for

POSTLUDE:                    Fugue in Eb Major                    J.S. Bach

Appreciations: We thank Arden Beron, Dorien Day,
Margret Dougherty, Bruce Hoffacker, Steve Hoffacker,
Elizabeth Mahowald, Patrick Mahowald and Jim Nicholas
for sharing their musical talents to enhance our worship



Celebration after Service

Next Sunday, August 5, following the worship service, a reception
will be held in Gessner Hall to celebrate and thank our summer
intern Alisha Riepma. Light refreshments will be served. All are
invited to join us!

Queens Community Children's Choir

Beginning this fall 2018, the Queens Community Children's
Choir at Church on the Hill will provide an exciting new
opportunity for your child to sing and learn more about music!
As part of the children's choir, your child will grow in musical
literacy and training, develop vocal technique, and learn deep
insight into the historical and cultural foundations of music!
The choir will be directed by Mr. Sean Cotty, who is the
current Director of Music at Church on the Hill and is a NYS
Certified Music Teacher. In addition, all volunteers assisting
with the choir have up-to-date background checks.
The choir will rehearse weekly on a weekday evening during
the school year. The choir will perform 6-8 times, including at
services at Church on the Hill; at neighborhood interfaith
services; at concerts and hopefully, at a professional baseball
game. A full schedule will be available later in the summer.
The choir is open to all children from kindergarten through
sixth grade. Registration is on our website. Cost is $25 per
child. Family discounts are available.

Faithwalking Retreat

Church on the Hill is hosting a Faithwalking retreat on September 8
and 15. The retreat will be from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. Retreat
participants are required to attend both Saturdays. Lunch and
snacks will be provided.
This retreat is open to anyone interested in deepening their faith in
Jesus and desiring to follow more and more in his
ways. Faithwalking is a spiritual formation process where people
are increasingly following the way of Jesus, experiencing ongoing
transformation, and developing effective practices for missional
living: serving the poor, the marginalized, and those in need; 

working for the common good; and restoring individuals, social
systems, communities, and nations to God’s intended design.
Cost is $125. Scholarships to offset the cost are available to
Church on the Hill members.

Register on our website or by contacting the church office.

Bible Study, Wednesdays, 7:30 P.M., Room 1B

Join us as we study C.S. Lewis and his book, The Problem of Pain.
Everyone is welcome. Last class is August 1 st .

Women's Shelter Volunteers

Interested in volunteering at a women's shelter during the summer?
While ours in on break, you can still volunteer! We've made
arrangements with a shelter at the NY Society for Ethical Culture
located on 64th St. and Central Park West in Manhattan for you to
serve on Friday evenings. If you are interested, please contact
Maureen Saepia-Chen or the church office.

Prayer Request List

In September, the prayer list will be started anew. If you would like
the church to pray for someone, please let church office know and
the name will be included in the new list.



Bermudez family, Diane Blagburn, Michael Breazzano, Angela
Brunjes, Jose, Gracinda and David Cerqueira, Rosemarie Dappio,
Matthew Dagiau, Dombrowski family, Joan Dwyer, Angela Edward,
Bernice Herbert, Lynne Johnson, Kathy Kissane, Jason Knese, 

Jane Lynch, Ginny Marsico, Alda Muyskens, Denise Moran, Stacey
Muller, Ruth Murray, Joan Pearson, Keith Pearson, Megan Peters,
Isabelita Rueda, Kook Ryo, Debra & Greg Sparrow and the
Gessner and Umschlag families.