January 5, 2020


* Congregation stands

BOLD – Congregation responds

Please be mindful of your volume during the Prelude as we prepare for worship together.


PRELUDE                                    Organ Sonata No. 1 –Andante Sostenuto                           Felix Mendelssohn




       *Gloria Patri (pew card)


*CALL TO WORSHIP                                                      Ray Durney

(Based on Isaiah 42:1-9)

Thus, says the LORD God,

who created the heavens and stretched them out,

who spread out the earth and what comes from it,

who gives breath to the people upon it and spirit to those who walk in it:

“I am the LORD, I have called you in righteousness. I have taken you by the hand and kept you. I have given you as a covenant to the people, a light to the nations:

To open the eyes that are blind, to bring out the prisoners from the dungeon, from the prison those who sit in darkness.

I am the LORD, that is my name.

See, the former things have come to pass and new things I now declare.


*HYMN No. 169                                        Infant Holy, Infant Lowly



Merciful God,

in baptism you grafted us into the body of Christ,

promising us forgiveness of sin and newness of life.

But we fail to live as forgiven people.

We keep destructive habits and hold grudges.

We allow our past to hold us hostage

and are reluctant to welcome newness.

In your loving-kindness

have mercy on us and free us from sin.

Remind us of the promises you have made to us in baptism

so that we may live as your people,

claimed in the waters of promise.

(Prayers of Silent Confession)

Kyrie (sung):

Choral Leader: Lord, have mercy.

 Congregation: Lord, have mercy.

 Christ, have mercy.

 Christ, have mercy.

 Lord, have mercy.

 Lord, have mercy.



(Based on Acts 10:34-43)

God shows no partiality.

In every nation, anyone who fears him and does what is right is acceptable to him.

You know the message he sent to the people of Israel, preaching peace by Jesus Christ.

How God anointed Jesus of Nazareth with the Holy Spirit and with power;

How he went about doing good and healing all who were oppressed by the devil;

For God was with him.

And God is with you.

Everyone who believes in Jesus receives forgiveness of sins through his name!

Glory be to Christ!




MUSICAL SOLO          If With All Your Hearts      Felix Mendelssohn

     Soloist – Glenn Alamilla

If with all your hearts ye truly seek me,
ye shall ever surely find me.
Thus saith our God.
Oh! that I knew where I might find Him, that I might even come before His presence! "If with all your hearts ye truly seek me,
ye shall ever surely find me." Thus saith our God.



Presentation of Avery Lee Crawford


*Profession of Faith

Do you promise to love, encourage, and support these brothers and sisters by teaching the gospel of God’s love, by being an example of Christian faith and character, and by giving the strong support of God’s family in fellowship, prayer, and service? We do.


The Apostles’ Creed (pew card)


The Baptismal Covenant



Let us welcome the newly baptized.

With joy and thanksgiving

we welcome you into Christ’s church

to share with us in his ministry,

for we are all one in Christ.



Glory be to you, O God, 

whom we worship in awe and wonder.

You are the author of all beginnings

and all that is pronounced “good.”

In you both day and night have purpose,

both calm and storm have meaning.

Open the eyes of our imagination,

that we may be ready to receive your gifts

and discern your activity in our midst.

In the name of Jesus,

in whose baptism we too are baptized. Amen



Psalm 29                                                                           p. 438

Matthew 3:13-17                                                           pp. 784-785

       This is the Word of the Lord.

       Thanks be to God.


SERMON                 Anointed For Service       Rev. Blaine Crawford



*The Apostles’ Creed (pew card)



Offertory               Say Where Is He Born and There Shall A Star                     Felix Mendelssohn

Soloist - Glenn Alamilla

When Jesus, Our Lord, was born in Bethlehem, 

in the land of Judea;

behold, from the east to the city of Jerusalem 

there came wise men, and said:

Say, where is He born, the King of Judea?

For we have seen His star,

and are come to adore Him.

There shall a Star from Jacob come forth,

And a Sceptre from Israel rise up,

And dash in pieces princes and nations.

As bright the star of morning gleams,

So Jesus sheddeth glorious beams

Of light and consolation!

Thy Word, O Lord, radiance darting,

Truth imparting, gives salvation;

Thine be praise and adoration!                                                                                         


*Prayer of Dedication



       *Communion Hymn                                                                                Draw Near

Draw near, draw near! Take the body of your Lord.

Draw near, draw near! Drink the blood for you outpoured.


Let us approach with faithful hearts sincere,

and take the pledges of salvation here:

Christ who in this life all the saints defend,

gives all believers life that never ends.


With heavenly bread make those who hunger whole,

gives living waters to the thirsting soul:

Judge of the nations, to whom all must bow,

in this great feast of love is with us now.



Communion Prayer

The Lord be with you. And also with you.

Lift up your hearts. We lift them up to the Lord.

Let us give thanks to the Lord our God.

It is right to give our thanks and praise.



Holy, Holy, Holy Lord God of hosts.

Heaven and earth are full of your glory.

Hosanna in the highest, hosanna in the highest.

Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord.

Hosanna in the highest, hosanna in the highest.


Mystery of the Faith:

Christ has died, Christ is risen, Christ will come again.

Words of Institution



Lord’s Prayer (pew card)                                                      


*HYMN No. 150                                                What Child Is This?




POSTLUDE                                        Improvisation on What Child Is This?            Sean Cotty


Children at Worship

Children at Worship is a spiritual formation program for children ages 4-9. Children are dismissed following the Junior Sermon and may be picked up from Classroom 2D after the service. Children at Worship will restart on January 12. Until then, children are invited to remain in the sanctuary for worship.


Bible Study

Adult Bible Study has concluded for 2019. Bible study will start again on January 21 with a study on the parables of Jesus! The Bible study meets on Tuesday afternoons from 3:30 p.m. until 4:45 p.m.

Women’s Shelter Volunteers
Every Friday, we house up to ten women in Gessner Hall. We need volunteers to greet, to provide food and hospitality, and to stay overnight. Sign up on our website or speak with our Women’s Shelter coordinator, Maureen Saepia-Chen, following the service

Food for Kids

School’s back in session which means that our Food for Kids ministry is back in full swing. Each week, bags of food are delivered to a local school to give to children who might be at risk of hunger over the weekend.

We are seeking donations of the following items on a regular basis:

·       1lb. white rice

·       1 can beans (red or black)

·       2 cans vegetables

·       1 can fruit

·       1lb. box of pasta

·       1 can pasta sauce

·       1 box mac & cheese

·       1 box cereal

·       *1 jar peanut butter

·       *1 jar jelly

*The jars of peanut butter and jelly must be plastic containers.