* Congregation stands
BOLD – Congregation responds
PRELUDE Partita No. 2 - Sarabande J.S. Bach
Emma Dong, Violin
CHORAL PRELUDE O Vos Omnes Pablo Casals
O all you who walk on the road, pay attention and see:
if there be any sorrow like my sorrow.
Pay attention, all people, and look at my sorrow:
if there be any sorrow like my sorrow.
*PROCESSIONAL HYMN No. 221 O Sacred Head, Now Wounded
O crucified Jesus, Son of the Father,
conceived by the Holy Spirit,
born of the virgin Mary, eternal Word of God,
we worship you.
O crucified Jesus, holy temple of God,
dwelling place of the Most High,
gate of heaven, burning flame of love,
we worship you.
O crucified Jesus, sanctuary of justice and love,
full of kindness, source of all faithfulness,
we worship you.
O crucified Jesus, ruler of every heart,
in you are the treasures of wisdom and knowledge,
in you dwells all the fullness of the Godhead,
we worship you.
Jesus, Lamb of God,
have mercy on us.
Jesus, bearer of our sins,
have mercy on us.
Jesus, redeemer of the world,
grant us peace.
*CONGREGATIONAL HYMN No. 212 What Wondrous Love
The Betrayal: Luke 22:47-53 p. 858
Offertory: Lloyd Larson
When You Prayed Beneath The Trees
When you prayed beneath the trees,
it was for me, O Lord;
when you cried upon your knees,
how could it be, O Lord?
When in blood and sweat and tears,
you dismissed your final fears,
when you faced the soldiers' spears,
you stood for me, O Lord.
When their triumph looked complete,
it was for me, O Lord;
when it seemed like your defeat,
they could not see, O Lord!
When you faced the mob along -
you were silent as a stone,
and a tree became your throne;
you came for me, O Lord.
When you stumbled up the road,
you walked for me, O Lord;
when you took your deadly load,
that heavy tree, O Lord;
when they lifted you on high,
and they nailed you up to die,
and when darkness filled the sky,
it was for me, O Lord.
The Denial: Luke 22:54-62 p. 858
CHOIR Ah, Holy Jesus Craig Courtney
Ah, holy Jesus, how hast Thou offended
that we to judge Thee have in hate pretended?
By foes derided, by Thine own rejected,
O most afflicted!
Who was the guilty? Who brought this upon Thee?
Alas, my treason, Jesus, hath undone Thee!
'Twas I, Lord Jesus, I it was denied Thee;
I crucified Thee.
For me, kind Jesus, was Thine incarnation,
Thy mortal sorrow, and Thy life's oblation;
Thy death of anguish and Thy bitter passion,
for my salvation.
Therefore, kind Jesus, since I cannot pay Thee,
I do adore Thee, and will ever pray Thee,
think on Thy pity and Thy love unswerving,
not my deserving.
SCRIPTURE READING: Maureen Saepia-Chen
The Unjust Verdict: Luke 23:13-25 p. 859
Concerto in D minor - Movement II- Largo ma non tanto
Simon Walsh, Flute
Emma Dong, Violin
Congregational Prayer Response: Jesus, Remember Me
Jesus, remember me
when you come into your Kingdom.
The Death of Jesus: Luke 23:26-27, 32-49 p. 859
CHAMBER CHOIR Cross-Cry Gilbert M. Martin
Solo: Patrick Mahowald, Baritone
I think I heard him say,
when he was strugglin' up the hill,
I think I heard him say,
"Take my mother home."
I think I heard him say
when they were rafflin' off his clothes,
I think I heard him say,
"Take my mother home.
Then I'll die easy, Take my mother home;
I'll die so easy, Take my mother home."
I think I heard him say
when they were liftin' up the cross,
I think I heard him say,
"Take my mother home."
I think I heard him cry
when they were nailin' in the nails,
I think I heard him cry,
"Take my mother home;
I'll die this death on Calvary,
Won't haf' to die no more.
I'll die on Calvary,
Won't haf' to die no more.
Then I'll die easy,
Take my mother home."
I think I heard him say
when he was givin' up the Ghost
I think I heard him say
"Take my mother home."
Congregational Prayer Response: Jesus, Remember Me
Jesus, remember me
when you come into your Kingdom.
The Lord’s Prayer (pew card)
The Burial of Jesus: Luke 23:50-56 p. 860
CHAMBER CHOIR: Were You There? H.T. Burleigh
Were you there when they crucified my Lord?
Oh! Sometimes it causes me to tremble, tremble, tremble,
Were you there when they crucified my Lord?
Were you there when they laid Him in the tomb?
Oh! Sometimes it causes me to tremble, tremble, tremble,
Were you there when they laid Him in the tomb?
SERMON The Depths of Sorrow Rev. Blaine Crawford
CHOIR Christ, We Do All Adore Thee Theodore Dubois
(from The Seven Last Words)
Christ, we do all adore thee,
and we do praise thee forever;
Christ, we do all adore thee,
and we do praise thee forever,
for on the holy cross hast thou
the world from sin redeemed.
Christ, we do all adore thee,
and we do praise thee forever;
Please remain in your seat for a moment of silent meditation
at the conclusion of this service
Good Friday Offering
In your bulletin, you will find an envelope for your offering. While you are under no obligation to give, if you feel so moved, you may place your offering in the envelope and place it in the plates as they are passed. The offering received this evening will be used to support the music ministry of Church on the Hill. Your gifts will go toward hiring additional musicians for our special services. We thank you for your generous support of Church on the Hill!
Easter Worship Schedule
Easter Sunday 7:00 AM Sunrise Service
April 21, 2019 (At the pond at Bowne Park)
No Sunday School
11:00 AM Celebration of the Resurrection
12:00 PM Easter Egg Hunt
(church lawn)
Easter Sunrise Service
Join us at the dawn of a new day to celebrate the resurrection of Jesus! We gather at the east end of the pond at Bowne Park at 7:00 a.m. for a casual service of song, Scripture, and prayer. Coffee and donuts will be served!
Easter Worship
The resurrection of Jesus Christ will be celebrated during Easter worship at 11 a.m.! Communion will be served. Immediately following the worship service, an Easter egg hunt for children 9 and under will take place in the church yard.