PRELUDE: Suite for Organ, John Stanley
* SANCTUS (pew card)
* CALL TO WORSHIP, Joseph Doyle
Leader: The God who raised Jesus from the dead
People: Calls us to worship this morning.
Leader: The Jesus who justifies us and gives us grace
People: Greets us and meets us in worship.
Leader: The Spirit who awakens faith and intercedes for us
People: Opens us to receive God’s power and peace.
Leader: The Father, Son, and Holy Spirit invite us to worship.
People: Let us offer ourselves as living sacrifices.
* HYMN No. 72: To God Be the Glory
Almighty and merciful God, we all like sheep have gone astray: each of us has gone our own way. We chase the desires of our hearts without seeking your will. We allow the voices of this world to drown out your words of peace. We struggle to trust that you are a good shepherd and follow after other shepherds. Forgive us, O Good Shepherd, who has laid your life down for us. Restore and refresh our souls. Amen.
* KYRIE (pew card)
* Gloria Patri (pew card)
ANTHEM: Grant Peace, We Pray, Felix Mendelssohn
Grant peace, we pray, in mercy, Lord, in our time peace, oh, send us! For there is none on earth but Thee, none other to defend us. Thou only, Lord, canst fight for us.
Lord’s Prayer (pew card)
Prayer Response, George Whelpton
Hear our prayer, O Lord; incline thine ear to us, and grant us thy peace.
* HYMN No. 353: For the Beauty of The Earth
Psalm 23, Pew Bible, page 435
John 10:11-18, Pew Bible, page 872
THE SERMON, Rev. Dr. Gregg Mast
Offertory: Great Lord God!, George Frideric Handel
Great Lord God! Thy kingdom shall endure forevermore.
* The Doxology (pew card)
* Prayer of Dedication
* AFFIRMATION OF FAITH: The Apostles’ Creed (pew card)
* HYMN No. 694: Glorious Things of Thee Are Spoken
Response, John Newton
May the grace of Christ our Savior and the Father's boundless love, with the Holy Spirit's favor, rest upon us from above.
Thus may we abide in union with each other and the Lord, and possess in sweet communion joys which earth cannot afford.
POSTLUDE: Trumpet Voluntary, John Stanley
The LUNCHEON following today’s service is hosted by Rhoda Jabbour, Ginny Chan, Nancy Gessner, Judie Kellaway and Mary Moder. The Reverend Dr. Gregg Mast will speak about the mission and vision of New Brunswick Theological Seminary. All are invited.
WORLD RENEW DISASTER RESPONSE SERVICES is involved in the recovery efforts after Hurricane Sandy. Buck Kellaway has been assigned to that reconstruction team from April 27 to May 16. Please pray for Buck while he is working on this relief ministry.
THE COTH SCHOLARSHIP FUND provides assistance to students who are part of our church community. Scholarships are available to graduating high school students and students enrolled in post high school studies. Applications are available in the church office and must be returned by May 1st.
WCC LUNCHEON & PROGRAM, Saturday, May 16 at 1:00 PM
The speaker will by Lesley Mazzotta, Director of Spiritual Life Formation at Christ Episcopal Church & Community Reformed Church in Manhasset.
CONGREGATIONAL LUNCHEON & MEETING, Sunday, May 17 at 12:00 noon
Election of Elders and Deacons. Annual reports. All are invited.
Van Drivers: Jean and Gerry Mendler
Greeters: Nancy Gessner and Angela Edward
Ushers: Judie and Buck Kellaway, Jean and Gerry Mendler
Children and Worship: Kathleen Bracken, Erica D’Urso
VAN MINISTRY: Volunteers are desparately needed to assist with driving members to worship services. If you can help, speak with Gerry Mendler after church or call (917) 362-6284 (day) or (718) 464-3464 (evening).
Also, if you need a ride to church on Sunday, speak with Gerry Mendler.
CHILDREN AND WORSHIP PROGRAM: Children ages 3 through 7 will share in the service through the Junior Sermon, then go to Room 2E for the Children and Worship Program.
- Donations for the Food for Kids Ministry should be brought to the Church office. This food will be given to families in need in Jamaica, New York.
- Donations for pets brought to the church office will be given to Worthy Pause to be distributed to local animal shelters.
- Christmas cards (with Forever Stamps on the envelopes) are collected in a basket at the back of the sanctuary. These cards will enable inmates at the Nassau County Correction Center to correspond with their loved ones.
PRAYER REQUESTS: Jorel Andaluz, Grace Attanasio, Marilyn Cooney, Ed Dawson, Letty Delgardo, Allegra DeMelo, Ed Diercks, Dombrowski Family, Edythe Durney, Jackie Fraser, Elaine Good, Jenny Hampton, Richard Holm, Robert Keller, Karen Krieg, Fritz Kunisch, Ann McCaffrey-Amalfitano, Rev. John H. Meyer, John Molino, Michael Patras, Keith Pearson, Fran Pitino, Josephine Rivera, Frank Rivilli, Matthew Schulman, Peter Schumacher, Janice Serra, Emily Testut