Typical Services

The Church on the Hill currently follows two typical service orders: regular and summer. In addition, a number of different service formats are used for special events during the church calendar. Since the start of the Pandemic, we have added live-streaming as a feature to our YouTube channel.

Regular Service

Sample Bulletin

Our regular service lasts about one hour each Sunday morning. Many sections of the service have been omitted due to Pandemic protocol. The typical structure now is as follows:

Prayer of Invocation
Call to Worship
Hymn 1
Prayer of Confession
Assurance of Pardon/Wisdom for Life
Anthem 1
Prayer of Illumination
Scripture Readings
Anthem 2
Confession of Faith
The Lord’s Supper (first week of each month)
Communion Prayer
Words of Institution
Confession of Faith
Prayers of the People
Lord’s Prayer
Prayer Response (choir)
Hymn 2
Benediction Response (choir)

Summer Service

Sample Bulletin

The summer services follow the regular service format but scaled down. Notable differences are:

  • No communion

  • Solo or small ensemble instead of choir

  • Musical responses are often omitted

Christmas Eve

Sample Bulletin

The Christmas Eve services have been following Nine Lessons and Carols format.

White Christmas Gifts

White Christmas Gifts


Sample Bulletin

The Easter service is based on the regular service. The altar is beautifully decorated. The music is enhanced with additional musicians.

Easter Altar

Easter Altar