May 6, 2018


PRELUDE Sonata k. 545 - Movement II Mozart





* GLORIA PATRI (pew card)


Great and marvelous are your deeds, Lord God Almighty!
Just and true are your ways, King of the ages.
Who will not fear you, O Lord, and bring glory to your name?
For you alone are holy.
All nations will come and worship you!

* HYMN No. 776 Let Us Break Bread Together



Most gracious God, filled with mercy and steadfast love:
We are embarrassed to come before you,
for we have preferred the ways of this world to your ways,
for we have rebelled against your wisdom
and we have gotten into trouble; for we have rejected your
fatherly guidance and have gotten lost altogether.
Forgive us:
Not on the ground of our own righteousness,
but on the ground of your great mercy.

(Prayers of Silent Confession)

Kyrie (sung):  Lord, have mercy. Lord, have mercy. Christ, have mercy. Christ, have mercy.
Lord, have mercy. Lord, have mercy.



God, who is rich in mercy, out of the great love with which he
loved us, made us alive together with Christ.
By grace we have been saved!
For we are created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God
prepared beforehand to be our way of life.
Glory be to the Father, to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit!




ANTHEM: Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart        Laudate Dominum        Maureen Saepia-Chen, soloist

Praise the Lord, all nations;
Praise Him, all people.
For His has bestowed
His mercy upon us,
And the truth of the Lord endures forever.
Glory to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit, 
as it was in the beginning, is now, and forever, 
and for generations of generations. Amen
Living God, help us to hear your holy Word with open hearts so
that we may truly understand; and, understanding, that we may
believe; and, believing, that we may follow in all faithfulness
and obedience, seeking your honor and glory in all that we do.



1 John 5:1-6 p. 991
This is the Word of the Lord.
Thanks be to God.


SERMON Rev. Blaine Crawford                A Community of Conquering Faith



Apostles’ Creed (pew card)



     Offertory:   Draw Us In the Spirit's Tether              H.W. Friedell

Draw us in the Spirit's tether;
For when humbly, in thy name,
Two or three are met together, 
Thou art in the midst of them:
Alleluia! Alleluia!
Touch we now thy garment's hem.
As brethren used to gather in the name of Christ to sup,
Then with thanks to God the Father break the bread and bless the cup,
Alleluia! Alleluia! So knit thou our friendship up.
All our meals and all our living make as sacraments of thee,
That by caring, helping, giving, we may true disciples be.
Alleluia! Alleluia! We will serve thee faithfully, we will serve thee.

* The Doxology (pew card)

* Prayer of Dedication



*Communion Hymn          Remembering with Love and Hope (pew card)


Communion Prayer

Sanctus (pew card)

Mystery of the Faith:

Christ has died, Christ is risen, Christ will come again.

Words of Institution



Lord’s Prayer (pew card)

Response:      Hear Our Prayer, O Lord

Hear our prayer, O Lord, Hear our prayer, O Lord;
Incline thine ear to us, and grant us thy peace. Amen

* HYMN No. 21         How Great Thou Art


Response:             God Be With You

God be with you till we meet again;
by his counsels guide, uphold you,
with his sheep securely fold you;
God be with you till we meet again.

POSTLUDE: Prelude in C Major Bach




Congregational Meeting & Luncheon

Today, after the service of worship, all are invited.
Election of elder and deacons, approve annual budget
Elder nominee: Dorien Day
Deacon nominees: Dana Chan, Maureen Saepia-Chen,
and Patrick Symes

Bible Study, Every Tuesday, 7:30 p.m., Folensbee Lounge

The Bible Study is learning about the letter of 1 John.

Confirmation Class

The confirmation class, Julia Aiello, Isabel Vera, and Margaret
Vera, will take turns serving as readers during the worship service.
This coincides with the final section of the confirmation class which
is studying worship and the spiritual disciplines. The confirmands
will be confirmed on June 3.

WCC Luncheon, May 19, 2018, 1:00 p.m.

All are invited (including men) to an important program of Bee-
keeping by a local Queens couple. Samples of honey will be
available to taste and purchase. Bring your sandwich, dessert and
beverage will be provided.

COTH Concert Series, Saturday, May 26, 2018, 7:30 p.m.

Pianist Abram Korsunsky will perform solo works by Liszt and
Chopin. Trumpet player Sam Thurston and pianist Sean Cotty will
team up to perform works by John Williams and Alexander
Arutiunian. Reception following. Free-will offering accepted.

Storytelling Project

June 2, 2018, 10 am-2 pm, Lunch provided
Led by Lesley Mazzotta, this retreat will help you better understand
yourself and your story in light of who God has created you to be.

Retreat and lunch are free. We ask that you register by contacting
the church office or on our website:


COTH is now registered as a charity with Amazon. When you shop
at Amazon, go through AmazonSmile and Amazon will donate
0.5% of your purchase to Church on the Hill. To access
AmazonSmile, go to

Digital Newsletter

Beginning this fall, if you wish to receive an electronic copy of the
Beacon, please give the church office your email address. Send it
Hard copies will no longer be mailed but will be available in the
church office and in the back of the sanctuary.

Weekly Calendar

Tuesdays, Bible Study, 7:30 p.m., Folensbee Lounge
Wednesdays, Yoga, 7:30 p.m., Gessner Hall
Thursdays, Prayer Group, 6:00 p.m., Folensbee Lounge


Remember the following individuals in your daily prayer:
Bermudez family, Diane Blagburn, Angela Brunjes, Jose, Gracinda
and David Cerqueira, Rosemarie Dappio, Matthew Dagiau,
Dombrowski family, William Duchemin, Joan Dwyer, Angela
Edward, Lynne Johnson, Kathy Kissane, Jason Knese, Ginny
Marsico, Alda Muyskens, Denise Moran, Stacey Muller, Ruth
Murray, Joan Pearson, Keith Pearson, Megan Peters, Isabelita
Rueda, Kook Ryo, Debra & Greg Sparrow

April 29, 2018


PRELUDE:    The Sunken Cathedral    Debussy                                   




* SANCTUS (pew card)         


* CALL TO WORSHIP        Julia Aiello                                        

In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.

All things came into being through him; what has come into being in him was life.

And the Word became flesh and lived among us, and we have seen his glory:

The glory as the father’s only son, full of grace and truth.

The life was the light of all people.

The Word is God’s gift to the world. 


* HYMN No. 580     Jesus Calls Us O'er the Tumult



Forgive us, O Lord:

for everything that spoils our witness for you;

that we so often deny with our lives

what we say with our lips;

for the difference between our creed and our conduct,

our profession and our practice;

for any example that makes it easier for people to criticize your church or for another to sin.

(Prayers of Silent Confession)

Kyrie (sung):     Lord, have mercy. Lord, have mercy. 

    Christ, have mercy. Christ, have mercy. 

    Lord, have mercy. Lord, have mercy.



God, who is rich in mercy, out of the great love with which he loved us, made us alive together with Christ.

By grace we have been saved!

For we are created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand to be our way of life.

Glory be to the Father, to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit!




ANTHEM:             The Lord Is My Shepherd    Abraham Kaplan    

The Lord is my shepherd I shall not want

He maketh me to lie down in green pastures

He restoreth my soul

He leadeth me in the path of righteousness for his namesake.

Yea, though I walk through

the valley of the shadow of death

I will fear no evil;

for Thou art with me

Thou preparest a table before me

in the presence of my enemies:

Thou anointest my head with oil;

my cup runneth over

Surely goodness and mercy

Shall follow me all the days of my life;

And I will dwell in the house of the Lord Forever.



Lord’s Prayer (pew card)

Response:           Sevenfold Amen                         


* HYMN No. 45     Come, Thou Fount of Every Blessing


Prayer of Illumination

Almighty God, you have spoken to us through your Son. Let your written Word now be spoken and heard by each of us. Give us ears to hear and hearts to understand, that we may not refuse your calling or ignore your voice. Amen.



Psalm 23        p. 435    

1 John 3:16-24            p. 990

This is the Word of the Lord.

Thanks be to God.


SERMON           A Community of Faith & Love    Carlos Rivera



Belgic Confession, Article 22

We believe that for us to acquire the true knowledge of this great mystery, the Holy Spirit kindles in our hearts a true faith that embraces Jesus Christ, with all his merits and no longer looks for anything apart from him.

Faith is only the instrument by which we embrace Christ, our righteousness. And faith is the instrument that keeps us in communion with him and with all his benefits.



        Offertory:            Sing Unto God    Handel

Sing unto God, and high affections raise,

to crown this conquest with unmeasured praise.

* The Doxology (pew card)      

* Prayer of Dedication


* HYMN No. 356     All Creatures of Our God and King



Response:        O Jesus, Grant Me Hope and Comfort             

O Jesus, Grant me hope and comfort;

O let me never in sorrow pine,

My heart and soul, yea,

all my being,

O Jesus, trust alone in me.

Thou Prince of peace,

Thou pearl from heaven,

True God, true man,

My morning star!

Come thou precious

Sun most radiant,

Thy beams illumine

my heart and soul,


POSTLUDE:    Music for the Royal Fireworks    Handel           



Music Note For April

Each week in April the choir has been presenting a different musical setting of Psalm 23. This beloved psalm is one of the best known passages of scripture. Many are drawn to its poetic imagery and the spiritual renewal it provides.


Annual Congregational Meeting & Luncheon

Sunday, May 6, 2018, after the worship service

Election of elder and deacons; Approve the annual budget


Confirmation Class

The confirmation class, Julia Aiello, Isabel Vera, and Margaret Vera, will take turns serving as readers during the worship service. This coincides with the final section of the confirmation class which is studying worship and the spiritual disciplines. The confirmands will be confirmed on June 3.


COTH Concert Series

Saturday, May 26, 2018, 7:30 p.m.

Pianist Abram Korsunsky will perform solo works by Liszt and Chopin. Trumpet player Sam Thurston and pianist Sean Cotty will team up to perform works by John Williams and Alexander Arutiunian. Reception following.  Free-will donation.


Storytelling Project

June 2, 2018, 10 am-2 pm, Lunch provided

Led by Lesley Mazzotta, this retreat will help you better understand yourself and your story in light of who God has created you to be. Retreat and lunch are free.  We ask that you register by contacting the church office or on our website:


Amazon Smile

COTH is now registered as a charity with Amazon.  When you shop at Amazon, go through AmazonSmile and Amazon will donate 0.5% of your purchase to COTH. To access AmazonSmile, go to


Digital Newsletter

Beginning this fall, if you wish to receive an electronic copy of the Beacon, please give the church office your email address.  Send it to

Hard copies will no longer be mailed but will be available in the church office and in the back of the sanctuary.


WCC – Dates to Remember

May 19 – “Bee” luncheon

June 23 – Annual Luncheon at LaMotta’s Marina


Weekly Calendar

Tuesdays, Bible Study, 7:30 p.m., Folensbee Lounge

Wednesdays, Yoga, 7:30 p.m., Gessner Hall

    No Yoga this Wednesday, May 2.

Thursdays, Prayer Group, 6:00 p.m., Folensbee Lounge


Prayer List

Remember the following individuals in your daily prayer:

Bermudez family, Diane Blagburn, Angela Brunjes, Jose, Gracinda and David Cerqueira, Rosemarie Dappio, Matthew Dagiau, Dombrowski family, William Duchemin, Joan Dwyer, Angela Edward, Lynne Johnson, Kathy Kissane, Jason Knese, Ginny Marsico, Alda Muyskens, Denise Moran, Stacey Muller, Ruth Murray, Joan Pearson, Keith Pearson, Megan Peters, Isabelita Rueda, Kook Ryo, Debra & Greg Sparrow


April 22, 2018


PRELUDE:    Pavane    Ravel                                 




* SANCTUS (pew card)         


* CALL TO WORSHIP        Margaret Vera                                        

Let us give thanks to the Lord our God.

It is right to give our thanks and praise.

Eternal and ever-blessed God, Lord of heaven and earth:

We praise your glorious majesty.

We see your wisdom in all your works;

Your grace and truth are revealed in Jesus Christ, your Son;

Your power and presence are given to us through your Holy Spirit;

We adore your holy name, O blessed Trinity. 


* HYMN No. 697     In Christ There Is No East or West



Righteous Father, We come asking your forgiveness.

We seek your salvation, then act like we save ourselves.

We beg your forgiveness, then repeat our errors.

We experience your grace, then act defeated.

We rely on your power, but only in hardest of times.

In your mercy, forgive us.

(Prayers of Silent Confession)

Kyrie (sung):     Lord, have mercy. Lord, have mercy. 

    Christ, have mercy. Christ, have mercy. 

    Lord, have mercy. Lord, have mercy.



God, who is rich in mercy, out of the great love with which he loved us, made us alive together with Christ.

By grace we have been saved!

For we are created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand to be our way of life.

Glory be to the Father, to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit!




ANTHEM:                        John Ness Beck

        The King of Love My Shepherd Is    

The King of love my shepherd is,

Whose goodness faileth never;

I nothing lack if I am His,

And He is mine forever.

Where streams of living water flow,

My ransomed soul He leadeth,

And where the verdant pastures grow,

With food celestial feedeth.

In death's dark vale I far no ill,

With Thee, dear Lord, beside me,

Thy rod and staff my comfort still;

Thy cross before to guide me.

And so through all the length of days,

Thy goodness faileth never.

Good Shepherd, may I sing Thy praise

Within Thy house forever. 

Good Shepherd, may I sing Thy praise

Within Thy house forever. Amen.



Lord’s Prayer (pew card)

Response:       All Things Come of Thee, O Lord                         

All things come of thee, O Lord,

and of thine own have we given thee.


* HYMN No. 689     The Church's One Foundation


Prayer of Illumination

God of mercy, we no longer look for Jesus among the dead, for he is alive and has become the Lord of life. Increase in our minds and hearts the risen life we share with Christ, and help us to grow as your people toward the fullness of eternal life with you. Amen.



Psalm 23        p. 435    

1 John 3:16-24            p. 990

This is the Word of the Lord.

Thanks be to God.


SERMON         A Community of Faith and Love    Carlos Rivera



Belgic Confession, Article 22

We believe that for us to acquire the true knowledge of this great mystery, the Holy Spirit kindles in our hearts a true faith that embraces Jesus Christ, with all his merits and no longer looks for anything apart from him.

Faith is only the instrument by which we embrace Christ, our righteousness. And faith is the instrument that keeps us in communion with him and with all his benefits.



        Offertory:     Hallelujah (from "Mount of Olives")    Beethoven

Hallelujah unto God's Almighty Son.

Praise the Lord, 

ye bright angelic choirs,

in holy songs of joy,

Man, proclaim his grace

and glory, Hallelujah

* The Doxology (pew card)      

* Prayer of Dedication


* HYMN No. 263     Alleluia, Sing to Jesus



Response:           O The Blessedness Is Great          

O the blessedness is great,

and its beauty none can tell, 

on Christ's bosom, safe from harm,

In Him love secure to dwell.

Peace of mind there we find,

and forgetting sadness,

Follow Him with gladness


POSTLUDE:    Fugue in Eb "St. Anne"    Bach        




Music Note For April:

Each week in April the choir will present a different musical setting of Psalm 23. This beloved psalm is one of the best known passages of scripture. Many are drawn to its poetic imagery and the spiritual renewal it provides.


Confirmation Class

The confirmation class, Julia Aiello, Isabel Vera, and Margaret Vera, will take turns serving as readers during the worship service. This coincides with the final section of the confirmation class which is studying worship and the spiritual disciplines. The confirmands will be confirmed on June 3.


Adult Sunday School Opportunity

Next Sunday, April 29th, 9:45-10:30 a.m., Library

Adults are invited to join a Sunday morning class entitled, "Ripped from the Headlines - Integrating your Faith with Current Events!"  Led by seminary intern Carlos Rivera.



Annual Congregational Meeting & Luncheon

Sunday, May 6, 2018, after the worship service

Election of elder and deacons

Approve the annual budget


Weekly Calendar

Tuesdays, Bible Study, 7:30 p.m., Folensbee Lounge

Wednesdays, Yoga, 7:30 p.m., Gessner Hall

Thursdays, Prayer Group, 6:00 p.m., Folensbee Lounge

Prayer List

Remember the following individuals in your daily prayer:

Bermudez family, Diane Blagburn, Jose, Gracinda and David Cerqueira, Rosemarie Dappio, Matthew Dagiau, Dombrowski family, William Duchemin, Joan Dwyer, Angela Edward, Lynne Johnson, Kathy Kissane, Jason Knese, Ginny Marsico, Alda Muyskens, Denise Moran, Stacey Muller, Ruth Murray, Joan Pearson, Keith Pearson, Megan Peters, Isabelita Rueda, Kook Ryo, Debra & Greg Sparrow


April 15, 2018


PRELUDE:    Nocturne in f-minor    Chopin                          




* SANCTUS (pew card)         


* CALL TO WORSHIP        Isabel Vera                                        

We give thanks to you, God our Father, for mercy that reaches out, for patience that waits our returning, for your love that is ever ready to welcome sinners.

We praise you that in Jesus Christ you came to us with forgiveness, and that, by your Holy Spirit, you move us to repent and receive your love.

Though we are sinners, you have adopted us as children.

You are faithful and worthy of all praise. We praise you, great God, in Jesus Christ, our Lord.


* HYMN No. 233     The Strife is O'er


PRAYER OF CONFESSION          Carlos Rivera     

Almighty God, in raising Jesus from the grave,

you shattered the power of sin and death.

We confess that we remain captive to doubt and fear,

bound by the ways that lead to death.


We overlook the poor and the hungry

and pass by those who mourn;

we are deaf to the cries of the oppressed

and indifferent to calls for peace;

we despise the weak and abuse the earth you made.

Forgive us, God of mercy.

(Prayers of Silent Confession)

Kyrie (sung):     Lord, have mercy. Lord, have mercy. 

    Christ, have mercy. Christ, have mercy. 

    Lord, have mercy. Lord, have mercy.



God, who is rich in mercy, out of the great love with which he loved us, made us alive together with Christ.

By grace we have been saved!

For we are created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand to be our way of life.

Glory be to the Father, to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit!




ANTHEM:                   Lord, We Pray Thee    Haydn    

Lord, we pray Thee that

Thy grace may always

prevent and follow us,

and make us continually

to be given to all good works,

through Jesus Christ our Lord, 




Lord’s Prayer (pew card)

Response:          William Billings                         

Kittery (Lord's Prayer Paraphrase)

Our Father who in heaven art,

All hallowed be Thy name,

Thy kingdom come,

Thy will be done

throughout this earthly frame.


* HYMN No. 255     Good Christians All, Rejoice


Prayer of Illumination

God of glory, fill your church with the power

that flows from Christ’s resurrection

so that, in the midst of the sinful world,

it may signal the beginning of a renewed humanity,

risen to new life with Christ, 

who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit,

one God, forever and ever. Amen.



Psalm 4            p. 425    

1 John 3:1-7      p. 990

This is the Word of the Lord.

Thanks be to God.


SERMON:                    Rev. Blaine Crawford

        A Community of God’s Children



Heidelberg Catechism Q&A 120

Q.    Why did Christ command us to call God “our Father”?

A.    To awaken in us at the very beginning of our prayer what should be basic to our prayer—a childlike reverence and trust that through Christ God has become our Father, and that just as our parents do not refuse us the things of this life, even less will God our Father refuse to give us what we ask in faith.



        Offertory:            The New 23rd (Psalm)    Ralph Carmichael

Because the Lord is my shepherd,

I have everything that I need.

He lets me rest in meadows green

And leads me beside the quiet stream:

He keeps on giving life to me

And helps me to do what honors Him the most.

Even when walking through the dark valley of death,

I will never be afraid,

for he is close beside me,

Guarding, guiding all the way,

He spreads a feast before me

In the presence of my enemies

He welcomes me as His special guest

with blessing overflowing.

His goodness and unfailing kindness

shall be with me all of my life,

and afterwards I will live with Him,

Forever and ever, in His home.

* The Doxology (pew card)      

* Prayer of Dedication


* HYMN No. 254     Alleluia, Alleluia! Hearts to Heaven



Response:      May the Grace of Christ Our Savior         

May the grace of Christ our Savior

and the Father's boundless love,

with the Holy Spirit's favor, 

rest upon us from above.



POSTLUDE:    "Black Key" Etude     Chopin        



Music Note For April:

Each week in April the choir will present a different musical setting of Psalm 23. This beloved psalm is one of the best known passages of scripture. Many are drawn to its poetic imagery and the spiritual renewal it provides.


Confirmation Class

The confirmation class, Julia Aiello, Isabel Vera, and Margaret Vera, will take turns serving as readers during the worship service. This coincides with the final section of the confirmation class which is studying worship and the spiritual disciplines. The confirmands will be confirmed on June 3.


Women’s Christian Circle Luncheon  

Saturday, April 21, 1:00 p.m., Gessner Hall

Delicious lunch will be catered by Marino Brothers and the Sweet Adeline Chorus will perform. All women are invited.

Adult Sunday School Opportunity   

Sunday mornings, 9:45-10:30 a.m., Library, No class April 22

Adults are invited to join a Sunday morning class entitled, "Ripped from the Headlines - Integrating your Faith with Current Events!"  Led by seminary intern Carlos Rivera, the class will extend through the end of April with a new headline discussed every few weeks. 


Weekly Calendar

Tuesdays, Bible Study, 7:30 p.m., Folensbee Lounge

Wednesdays, Yoga, 7:30 p.m., Gessner Hall

Thursdays, Prayer Group, 6:00 p.m., Folensbee Lounge

Save the Date: 

Annual Congregational Meeting & Luncheon

Sunday, May 6, 2018, after the worship service

Election of elder and deacons

Approve the annual budget


Prayer List

Remember the following individuals in your daily prayer:

Bermudez family, Diane Blagburn, Jose, Gracinda and David Cerqueira, Rosemarie Dappio, Matthew Dagiau, Dombrowski family, William Duchemin, Joan Dwyer, Angela Edward, Bob Gessner, Lynne Johnson, Kathy Kissane, Jason Knese, Ginny Marsico, Ann McCaffrey, Alda Muyskens, Denise Moran, Stacey Muller, Joan Pearson, Keith Pearson, Megan Peters, Isabelita Rueda, Kook Ryo, Debra & Greg Sparrow