March 25, 2018



PRELUDE:    Reverie        Debussy


LITURGICAL DANCE:    I Shall Not Want    Audrey Assad                              

Alicia Rivera, Gia Antonucci, Denivia Rivera




* SANCTUS (pew card)         


* CALL TO WORSHIP        Simon Walsh                                        

You are holy, O God of majesty,

And blessed is Jesus Christ, your Son, our Lord.

Lead us, O God, in the way of Christ.

Give us courage to take up our cross, and in full reliance upon your grace, to follow him.

Blessed is the one who comes in the name of the Lord.

Hosanna in the highest!


* HYMN        

The Palms         Jean Faure

Palm trees and flow'rs unite upon our way, Greetings they bring to us of joy and gladness; Lo!  Jesus comes!  All hail auspicious day!  He comes to banish gloom and care and sadness.

People and tongues shall chant His praise, Tune ev'ry voice, His name be gladly singing Hosanna!  Glory to God!  Glory to Him who comes, bringing salvation, salvation.


His gentle voice pervades the living throng; Bringing to life anew the soul forsaken; 'Tis He who gives the darkest night a song, And joy to those who in His love awaken.


Shout, shout aloud, O fair Jerusalem, Now let thy notes in joyous praise ascending; God by the wondrous grace of Bethlehem Shall hear in perfect song our voices blending.



PRAYER OF CONFESSION          Carlos Rivera     

O Lord, who on this day entered the rebellious city that later rejected you, we confess that our wills are as rebellious as Jerusalem’s,

that our faith is often more show than substance,

that our hearts are in need of cleansing.

Help us to lay at your feet all that we have and all that we are, trusting you to forgive what is sinful, to heal what is broken, to welcome our praises, and to receive us as your own.

(Prayers of Silent Confession)

Kyrie (sung): Lord, have mercy. Lord, have mercy. 

Christ, have mercy. Christ, have mercy. 

Lord, have mercy. Lord, have mercy.



In our baptisms, we have been adopted by God.

We are God’s beloved children, and brothers and sisters to one another.

In our baptisms, we have been washed by Jesus Christ.

We are forgiven; our shame and guilt are wiped clean.

In our baptisms, we have been anointed with God’s Spirit.

We are temples of the Holy Spirit and signs of God’s restorative work.

In our baptisms, we have been called to God’s mission.

We are disciples, followers of Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit, called to do justice, love kindness, and walk humbly with our God.




ANTHEM:                   Lift High the Palms of Praise    Brad Nix    

Lift high the palms of praise! 

Hosanna! Hosanna! 

Sing out! Prepare the way! 

Hosanna! Hosanna! 

As He slowly rides along people shout a joyful song. 

Now we add our voices strong, Hosanna to the King! 

Lift high the palms of praise! 

Hosanna! Hosanna! 

Sing out! Prepare the way! 

Hosanna! Hosanna! 

Let the people now rejoice. All creation find her voice. 

Come and make a joyful noise, hosanna to the King! 

Open wide the gates of every heart. 

Wave the palms and let the celebration start. 

With our strength God's glory we proclaim. 

With our might, we praise His holy name! 

Lift high the palms of praise! 

Hosanna! Hosanna! 

Sing out! Prepare the way! 

Hosanna! Hosanna! 

He is David's royal Song. He is heaven's holy One. 

Oh, what wonders He has done, hosanna to the King. 

Hosanna to the King!


Congregational Response:

    The Lord is my light and my salvation,

    of whom should I be afraid,

    of whom should I be afraid?

Lord’s Prayer (pew card)  


* HYMN No. 221        O Sacred Head, Now Wounded           


Prayer of Illumination

Loving Father, as we journey with your Son in this week of remembrance and hope, help us to understand you and your love for the world more clearly.

Transform us by the saving knowledge of Jesus Christ

and prepare us for service in your kingdom, through Christ, our Lord. Amen.



Isaiah 50:4-9a        p. 594    

Mark 14:3-9            p. 826

This is the Word of the Lord.

Thanks be to God.


SERMON                      Beautiful Things    Rev. Blaine Crawford



Heidelberg Catechism Q&A 88-90

Q. What is involved in genuine repentance or conversion?

A. Two things: the dying-away of the old self, and the rising-to-life of the new.

Q. What is the dying-away of the old self?

A. To be genuinely sorry for sin and more and more to hate and run away from it.

Q. What is the rising-to-life of the new self?

A. Wholehearted joy in God through Christ and a love and delight to live according to the will of God by doing every kind of good work.



        Offertory:  There is a Green Hill Far Away    Herbert Sumsion

There is a green hill far away, without a city wall,

Where the dear Lord was crucified, to save us all.

We may not know, we cannot tell, what pains he had to bear

but we believe it was for us he hung and suffered there. 

He died that we might be forgiven, He died to make us good;

That we might at last go to heaven, saved by His precious blood.

There was no other good enough to pay the price of sin;

He only could unlock the gate of heaven, and let us in.

O dearly, dearly has he loved, and we must love him too,

and trust in his redeeming blood, and try his works to do.

* The Doxology (pew card)      

* Prayer of Dedication


* HYMN No. 218     Were You There?



Response:           Jesus Remember Me

Jesus remember me when you come into your kingdom


POSTLUDE:    Fantasie in F-minor (final portion)    Chopin        ??               



March 25, 2018


YPF Casserole Sale, during coffee hour, in Gessner Hall

The young people are selling home-cooked casseroles to fund their mission trip.  Please support our youth.


Lenten Offering Envelopes

The special Lenten offerings will be given to the refugee family that COTH has adopted in this season of Lent.  This family has arrived and settled in Edison, New Jersey.



Holy week schedule


Maundy Thursday, March 29

6:30 p.m.    Potluck Supper

7:15 p.m.    Communion

    If you cannot attend the supper, come at

    7:15 p.m. to share in the Sacrament of Holy Communion


Good Friday, March 30

8:00 p.m.    “The Seven Last Words of Christ” 

    The choir and soloists will be accompanied by organ, harp, clarinets, cello and timpani.


Easter Sunday, April 1

7:00 a.m.    Sunrise Service     (Bowne Park, by the pond)

11:00 a.m.    Celebration of the Resurrection

12:00 p.m.    Easter Egg Hunt (on the church lawn)

March 18, 2018



PRELUDE:    O Mensch, bewein dein Sünde groß    J.S. Bach                              




* SANCTUS (pew card)         


* CALL TO WORSHIP        Sarah White                                        

O Jesus, like the seed fallen to the ground, you suffered death. United to you, our lives will bear much fruit.

We praise you, O Lord.

O Christ, you went down to the lowest point of the human condition; you remain close to all who are abandoned.

We praise you, O Christ.

In your love you took upon yourself our sins; innocent, you accepted death to free us from death.

We worship you, O Lord.

By your love you conquered evil and hatred, and you live forever at the Father’s side.

We worship you, O Christ.

You listen to us in your goodness, and you visit us in our misfortune; fill our hearts to overflowing by revealing to us the light of your face.



* HYMN No. 559     Make Room within My Heart, O God



PRAYER OF CONFESSION          Dana Chan     

Lord, we have denied you by refusing to know you.

We have betrayed you by keeping our distance.

We have mocked you by pretending we are not yours.

Lord, we are lost; let your forgiveness find us.

Welcome us into your strong, forgiving arms.

(Prayers of Silent Confession)

Kyrie (sung): Lord, have mercy. Lord, have mercy. 

Christ, have mercy. Christ, have mercy. 

Lord, have mercy. Lord, have mercy.



In our baptisms, we have been adopted by God.

We are God’s beloved children, and brothers and sisters to one another.

In our baptisms, we have been washed by Jesus Christ.

We are forgiven; our shame and guilt are wiped clean.

In our baptisms, we have been anointed with God’s Spirit.

We are temples of the Holy Spirit and signs of God’s restorative work.

In our baptisms, we have been called to God’s mission.

We are disciples, followers of Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit, called to do justice, love kindness, and walk humbly with our God.




ANTHEM:                   O Jesus Christ, My Life and Light    J.S. Bach    

O Jesus Christ my life and light,

my help, my strength, my rock of might,

on earth naught am I but a guest,

by sin's great burden sore oppressed.



Congregational Response:

    The Lord is my light and my salvation,

    of whom should I be afraid,

    of whom should I be afraid?

Lord’s Prayer (pew card)  


* HYMN No. 216     Beneath the Cross of Jesus


Prayer of Illumination    Margret Dougherty

Lord Jesus, we walk with you

through the valley of the shadow of death.

Let us find our life in you, O Lord.

We come to hear you speak of your love for us.

You have the words of eternal life. Amen.



Psalm 119:9-16        p. 493    

John 12:20-33            p. 875

This is the Word of the Lord.

Thanks be to God.


SERMON                Living, Dying, and Bearing Fruit             Rev. Dr. Jill Ver Steeg



Heidelberg Catechism Q&A 88-90

Q. What is involved in genuine repentance or conversion?

A. Two things: the dying-away of the old self, and the rising-to-life of the new.

Q. What is the dying-away of the old self?

A. To be genuinely sorry for sin and more and more to hate and run away from it.

Q. What is the rising-to-life of the new self?

A. Wholehearted joy in God through Christ and a love and delight to live according to the will of God by doing every kind of good work.



        Offertory:      Prayer to Jesus    John Ness Beck

Lord Jesus, think on me

and purge away my sin;

From selfish passions set me free

and make me pure within.

Lord Jesus, think on me, 

by anxious thoughts oppressed;

Let me your loving servant be

and taste your promised rest.

Lord Jesus, think on me, 

nor let me go a-stray;

Through darkness and perplexity

point out the heavenly way.

Lord Jesus, think on me,

that when this life is past,

I may the eternal brightness see,

and share Thy joy at last.


* The Doxology (pew card)      

* Prayer of Dedication


* HYMN No. 43     A Mighty Fortress is Our God



Response:       May the Grace of Christ Our Savior

 May the grace of Christ our savior

and the Father's boundless love,

with the Holy Spirit's favor, 

rest upon us from above. Amen.


POSTLUDE:    Etude Op 10 No 4    Chopin               


Our guest speaker is Rev. Dr. Jill Ver Steeg, who serves as the Director for Transformation Engagement for the RCA.  She earned her Doctorate of Ministry (DMin) from Fuller Theological Seminary and her Master of Divinity (MDiv) from Western Theological Seminary.



MARCH 18, 2018


YPF Casserole Sale, Sunday, March 25, during coffee hour.

The young people will be selling home-cooked casseroles to fund their mission trip.  Please support our youth.


Lenten Offering Envelopes

The special Lenten offerings will be given to the refugee family that COTH has adopted in this season of Lent.  This family has arrived and settled in New Jersey.


Adult Sunday School Opportunity   

Sunday mornings, 9:45-10:30 a.m., Library

Adults are invited to join a Sunday morning class entitled, "Ripped from the Headlines - Integrating your Faith with Current Events!"  Led by seminary intern Carlos Rivera, the class will extend through the end of April with a new headline discussed every few weeks. Begins again on April 8.


No Bible Study on Tuesday, March 20.



Prayer List

Remember the following individuals in your daily prayer:

Bermudez family, Diane Blagburn, Jose, Gracinda and David Cerqueira, Rosemarie Dappio, Dombrowski family, William Duchemin, Joan Dwyer, Angela Edward, Lynne Johnson, Kathy Kissane, Jason Knese, Ginny Marsico, Ann McCaffrey, Alda Muyskens, Denise Moran, Stacey Muller, Joan Pearson, Keith Pearson, Megan Peters, Isabelita Rueda, Kook Ryo, Debra & Greg Sparrow

March 11, 2018



PRELUDE:    Prelude and fugue in Bb Minor    J.S. Bach                              




* SANCTUS (pew card)         


* CALL TO WORSHIP        Patrick Syms                                        

Let us worship God, who has done great things.

We rejoice in our God, who made a way through the desert of this world.

Let us worship God, who reconciled us to himself through Christ.

We are new creations; the old has gone, the new has come!

Let us worship God as Christ’s ambassadors.

Through us and through our worship, may we announce the good news to all.


* HYMN No. 610     Through the Love of God Our Savior


PRAYER OF CONFESSION          Carlos Rivera     

God of mercy, whose Son, Jesus Christ,

longs to gather us in the wide embrace of his love:

We confess that we have been wayward children.

We have disobeyed your commands;

our ears have been deaf to your call;

our hearts have been cold to your love.

In thought, in word, and in deed

we have hurt others and dishonored your name.

(Prayers of Silent Confession)

Kyrie (sung): Lord, have mercy. Lord, have mercy. 

Christ, have mercy. Christ, have mercy. 

Lord, have mercy. Lord, have mercy.



In our baptisms, we have been adopted by God.

We are God’s beloved children, and brothers and sisters to one another.

In our baptisms, we have been washed by Jesus Christ.

We are forgiven; our shame and guilt are wiped clean.

In our baptisms, we have been anointed with God’s Spirit.

We are temples of the Holy Spirit and signs of God’s restorative work.

In our baptisms, we have been called to God’s mission.

We are disciples, followers of Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit, called to do justice, love kindness, and walk humbly with our God.




ANTHEM:                        David Stanley York

Lord, Make Me Thine Instrument

Lord, make me an instrument of Thy peace.

Where there is hatred, Let me sow Love.

Where there is doubt, Let me sow Faith.

Where there is despair, Let me sow Hope.

Where there is darkness, Let me sow Light.

Where there is sadness, Let me sow Joy.

O divine Master, grant that I may not so much seek

To be consoled as to console,

To be understood, as to understand,

To be loved, as to love.

For it is in giving that we receive;

It is in pardoning, that we are pardoned;

And it is in dying, that we are born to eternal life.



Congregational Response:

    The Lord is my light and my salvation,

    of whom should I be afraid,

    of whom should I be afraid?

Lord’s Prayer (pew card)  


* HYMN No. 486     There's a Wideness in God's Mercy


Prayer of Illumination

All-knowing and all-caring God,

We are like a parched desert, empty and in need of replenishment.

Visit us with your presence, saturate us with your Spirit,

And bathe us in the streams of living water.

Through Christ our Lord we pray. Amen.



Psalm 107:1-3, 17-22        p. 487    

John 3:16-21            p. 864

This is the Word of the Lord.

Thanks be to God.


SERMON                   Loving the World    Rev. Blaine Crawford



Heidelberg Catechism Q&A 88-90

Q. What is involved in genuine repentance or conversion?

A. Two things: the dying-away of the old self, and the rising-to-life of the new.

Q. What is the dying-away of the old self?

A. To be genuinely sorry for sin and more and more to hate and run away from it.

Q. What is the rising-to-life of the new self?

A. Wholehearted joy in God through Christ and a love and delight to live according to the will of God by doing every kind of good work.



        Offertory:      When Jesus Wept    William Billings

When Jesus wept, the falling tear

In mercy flowed beyond all bound;

When Jesus groaned, a trembling fear

Seized all the guilty world around. 

* The Doxology (pew card)      

* Prayer of Dedication


* HYMN No. 227     Rock of Ages, Cleft for Me



Response:           Jesus Remember Me

 Jesus, remember me when you come into your Kingdom


POSTLUDE:   Variation Serieuses (selections)    Felix Mendelssohn



MARCH 11, 2018


Lenten Offering Envelopes

The special Lenten offerings will be given to the refugee family that COTH has adopted in this season of Lent.  This family will be arriving in New Jersey this Thursday.


No Sunday School next Sunday, March 18.


Adult Sunday School Opportunity   

Sunday mornings, 9:45-10:30 a.m., Library

Adults are invited to join a Sunday morning class entitled, "Ripped from the Headlines - Integrating your Faith with Current Events!"  Led by seminary intern Carlos Rivera, the class will extend through the end of April with a new headline discussed every few weeks. No class on March 18.


Weekly Calendar

Tuesdays, Bible Study, 7:30 p.m., Folensbee Lounge

Wednesdays, Yoga, 7:30 p.m., Gessner Hall

Thursdays, Prayer Group, 6:00 p.m., Folensbee Lounge


Queens Discipleship Retreat

March 17, 9:30am-2:00pm, Gessner Hall

Being with God and each other strengthens our faith and helps us live it out. But we get so focused on finishing our to-do lists that sometimes we don’t leave enough space in our lives for those relationships. If you can relate, you're invited to set aside space for God and one another by participating in a discipleship retreat next month. Join with other RCA churches in Queens to:

  • Explore current models of discipleship

  • Grow your capacity to participate in God's work both personally and as a community

  • Share a meal and time of fellowship

This is a free event but registration is required. Call the church office or register at:


Prayer List

Remember the following individuals in your daily prayer:

Bermudez family, Diane Blagburn, Jose, Gracinda and David Cerqueira, Rosemarie Dappio, Dombrowski family, William Duchemin, Joan Dwyer, Angela Edward, Lynne Johnson, Kathy Kissane, Jason Knese, Ginny Marsico, Ann McCaffrey, Alda Muyskens, Denise Moran, Stacey Muller, Joan Pearson, Keith Pearson, Megan Peters, Isabelita Rueda, Kook Ryo, Debra & Greg Sparrow 


March 4, 2018



PRELUDE:    Raindrop Prelude    Chopin                




* GLORIA PATRI (pew card) 


* CALL TO WORSHIP        John Westerhaus                                        

Lord God, we gather in this place not because we are deserving of your love and not because we have lived faithfully before your face.

We gather here because you have called us.

You loved us before we could love you. You have given your Son for our salvation.

For this we join all creation in blessing you, praising you, thanking you.

You are great, and greatly to be praised.

As we offer our praise, we long for you to mold us in the image of your Son, whose death and resurrection give us hope.


* HYMN No. 92     Crown Him with Many Crowns




God of compassion, you are slow to anger and full of mercy, welcoming sinners who return to you with penitent hearts.

Receive us in your loving embrace as we come home to you. Seat us at your bountiful table of grace, that, with all your children, we may feast with delight on all that satisfies the hungry heart.

(Prayers of Silent Confession)

Kyrie (sung): Lord, have mercy. Lord, have mercy. 

    Christ, have mercy. Christ, have mercy. 

    Lord, have mercy. Lord, have mercy.


Assurance of Pardon/Wisdom for Life

 In our baptisms, we have been adopted by God.

We are God’s beloved children, and brothers and sister to one another.

In our baptisms, we have been washed by Jesus Christ.

We are forgiven; our shame and guilt are wiped clean.

In our baptisms, we have been anointed with God’s Spirit.

We are temples of the Holy Spirit and signs of God’s restorative work.

In our baptisms, we have been called to God’s mission.

We are disciples, followers of Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit, called to do justice, love kindness, and walk humbly with our God.




ANTHEM:      God So Loved The World    John Stainer    

God so loved the world,

That he gave His only begotten Son,

That who-so believeth in Him

should not perish,

but have everlasting life.

For God sent not His Son

into the world to condemn the world;

But that the world through him might be saved.


Prayer of Illumination

God of love, in the Word-made-flesh, you revealed yourself to us. Keep our feet firmly in the way where Christ leads us; make our mouths speak the truth that Christ teaches us; fill our bodies with the life that is Christ within us. In his holy name we pray.  Amen.



Psalm 19:1-10, 14        p. 433    

John 2:13-22            p. 863

This is the Word of the Lord.

Thanks be to God.


SERMON                    Disciples at Work    Rev. Blaine Crawford



    Apostles’ Creed (pew card) 



     Offertory:            This Do in Remembrance of Me    J. Hunnicutt

This do in remembrance of me;

Keep this feast and together we'll be.

This do in remembrance of me;

Till you come to my kingdom.

This is my body, broken for you,

Take and eat in remembrance of me.

Broken that you might rise up from death

Into a life everlasting.

This do in remembrance of me;

Keep this feast and together we'll be.

This do in remembrance of me;

Till you come to my kingdom.

This is my blood, I shed it for you.

Take and drink in remembrance of me.

Shed that you might rise up from death

Into a life everlasting.

    * The Doxology (pew card)      

    * Prayer of Dedication



    *Communion Hymn       Draw Near    Steven R. Janco

Refrain (congregation sings)

Draw near, draw near!

Take the body of your Lord.

Draw near, draw near!

Drink the blood for you out-poured.

Verses (choir)

Draw near and take the body of your Lord,

and drink the holy blood for you out-poured:

Saved by his body and his holy blood,

with souls refreshed we give our thanks to God.

Christ our Redeemer, God's eternal Son,

has by his cross and blood the victory won:

He gave his life for greatest and for least,

Himself the offering and Himself the Priest.

Let us approach with faithful hearts sincere,

and take the pledges of salvation here:

Christ who in this life all the saints defends,

gives all believers life that never ends.

With heavenly bread makes those who hunger whole,

gives living waters to the thirsting soul:

Judge of the nations, to whom all must bow,

in this great feast of love is with us now


Communion Prayer

Sanctus (pew card)

Mystery of the Faith: 

Christ has died, Christ is risen, Christ will come again. 

Words of Institution


PRAYERS OF THE PEOPLE        Carlos Rivera  

Congregational Response:

    The Lord is my light and my salvation,

    of whom should I be afraid,

    of whom should I be afraid?

Lord’s Prayer (pew card)  


* HYMN No. 612     How Firm a Foundation



Response     Lord, Have Mercy upon Us           

Lord, have mercy upon us.

Christ, have mercy upon us.

Lord, have mercy upon us.


POSTLUDE:    Etude in F Major    Chopin 



MARCH 4, 2018


Adult Sunday School Opportunity   

Sunday mornings, 9:45-10:30 a.m., Library

Adults are invited to join a Sunday morning class entitled, "Ripped from the Headlines - Integrating your Faith with Current Events!"  Led by seminary intern Carlos Rivera, the class will extend through the end of April with a new headline discussed every few weeks.


Queens Discipleship Retreat

March 17, 9:30am-2:00pm, Gessner Hall

Being with God and each other strengthens our faith and helps us live it out. But we get so focused on finishing our to-do lists that sometimes we don’t leave enough space in our lives for those relationships. If you can relate, you're invited to set aside space for God and one another by participating in a discipleship retreat next month. Join with other RCA churches in Queens to:

  • Explore current models of discipleship

  • Grow your capacity to participate in God's work both personally and as a community

  • Share a meal and time of fellowship

This is a free event but registration is required. Call the church office or register at:


Lenten Mission 2018 - Important Dates and Opportunities

Reminders: There are still a few tags for our home goods collection, available in Gessner Hall.

There are also a few Lenten bookmarks at the back of the sanctuary.