Candidate 48 Profile
Section A. Background Information
10. Year of Ordination
11. Denomination of Ordination
Independant Churches
12. If not RCA, what classis or supervising body from the ordaining denomination recognizes your ordination?
13. Present denomination
14. Present classis or judicatory
15. If you are not now a member of the Reformed Church in America, can you, in good conscience, agree with the doctrine, discipline and government of the RCA?
16. Do you support the mission and division of the Reformed Church in America?
17. Citizen of what country? If not USA, do you have permit to live and work in the USA?
USA and Taiwan
18. Previous Experience
Date | Position Description | Church/Employer and Location |
2021/09 | Reverend/Director/Funder | Spring of Salvation Church |
1998‑2021 | Intern Pastor and Preacher | Grace Christian Church |
2018/02‑2018/12 | Intern Preacher | Harvest Church of New York |
19. Formal Education
Organization | Dates | Program |
Alliance Theological Seminary | 2015/09‑2020/06 | Master of Divinity |
Baruch College, CUNY | 1998‑2000 | Master of Information System |
Baruch College, CUNY | 1996‑1998 | Master of Business Administration |
20. Continuing Education
Organization | Dates | Program |
Soul Care Ministries Intl | Soul Care Leader Training | |
PRMI | 10/30/2023‑11/5/2023 | Advanced Healing Training |
21. Languages (list any languages, other than English, in which you can preach or converse fluently)
Chinese Mandarin
Section B. Reflection
1. Describe your strengths, the best of who you are, and what you bring in service to the church.
I am a person with passion and faith. I love people and would like to help people know Jesus more and experience more God’s love. I am gifted in teaching, evangalizing, and preaching the gospel truth and helping people grow in Chirst.
2. Name two or three mentors who have significantly contributed to your ministry, and explain why these people are important to you.
Rev. Mu-dao Xiao is the founder and the Senior Pastor of the Harvest Church of New York. He taught me how to be a good pastor and how to minister a church. He lives out a good example of being a good shepherd and a good God’s servant. He affirmed me with the gift of pastoring, teaching, and preaching the gospel. And He encouraged and supported me whenever I met difficulties. He is the chair of the ordination council when I was ordained as a pastor in this February.
Rev. Dr. Rob Reimer is my professor in the Alliance Theological Seminary. Through his teahching and sharing, I know how to practice to live out and abide in God’s truth. Ms. Molica Hsu is the other mentor, a senior pastor’s wife in New Jersey, who often encourages and prays for me.
3. What caused you to enter ministry, and what are the core values that define your vision for ministry?
God’s love moves me to enter ministry through responding to His calling. The core values for my vision and ministry to build a house of God with love, hope, faith, holiness, and integrity. The church should be the light and salt in the world through lifting Jesus Christ, proclaiming God’s Word, living out biblical truth to witness Jesus Christ, and glorifying Jesus Christ only.
4. Explain the strategies or ideas that most excite you for helping a church to become and remain missional.
The idea or strategies for helping a church to become and remain missional is both to build a healthy soul through life transformation by the work of the Holy Spirit and to demonstrate the power of the Holy Spirit to show our God is true and living God to witness Jesus Christ in our community and in the world.
5. Name three of your most passionate hopes for the Church at large, and why they are significant to you.
LIfe transformation, Abiding in God’s truth, and Demonstraing God’s love and power through prayer and ministry. The purpose of Jesus’s salvation is not only to give us eternal lives but also make us a whole to live out the fullness of life in Christ. Thus, our lives should be renewed and transformed by the power of the truth and the work of the Holy Spirit. Abiding in God’s truth means that we need to choose to stand with God’s truth and live out the truth so that we remain the freedom in Christ. Finally, demonstrating God’s love and power through prayer and minsitry is very important to win the lost for Christ and witness Jesus Christ to the world.
6. Give an example of how you would theologically address an issue facing your contemporary world. Please be thorough enough to help the reader to understand your thought processes and your life commitments.
In our contemporay world, the issues we faced are such as identity issues, famliy issues, racial issues, and social justice. When we face these issues, we need go back to the Holy Scriptures. When Jesus started to His ministry, He procliamed “Repent, for the Kingdom of heaven is at hand.” (Matthew 3:2). Jesus introduced God’s kingdom to the world and He hoped that the wordly culture should become the kingdom culture. The church should live out the kingdom culture to address all issues we faced in our contemporary world. How to live out the kingdom culture? We need to listen to God’s Word, to know God’s mind and intention, to abide in God’s truth, and to bear the Cross to follow Jesus Christ without compromising the worldly standard. Besides, the church should be equippted to demnostrate that our Lord Jesus can redeem anyone who believes Him from all sufferings beacuse of His almighty and intention.
7. What theologians, pastors, authors or other leaders have had the greatest influence upon your life and thought? (List up to 3 and explain.)
I think John Calvin helps me know that how great God’s grace is and how important God’s Word is. Only through His grace, I could do what He wants me to do. Only by God’s grace I could be the person He wants me to be. Our lives should be rooted in God’s Word and be transformed through meditation the Scripture by the power of the Holy Spirit.
The other person who influences me is my professor Dr. Rob Reimer in the seminary, and he is also the author of the book, Soul Care- 7 Transformational Principles for a Healthy Soul. He teaches us how to live out the authetic faith, which means that usually we accumulated many biblical knowelege and memorized Scriptural verses in our head only rather than permeated our heart. His teachings touched my heart and changed my life through following God’s principles he mentioned.
8. How do you hope someone influenced by your ministry would describe what s/he considers to be most important?
Through my ministry, I hope that people lives can be renewed and changed by God. People love Jesus Christ more and more and become Christlikeness by pursing God’s love, holiness, faithfulness, and rightousness. People can respond to God’s calling to develop their gifts and potential to serve God and others for glorifying Jesus Christ.
9. Name at least one challenge for a pastor who accepts a Call to lead a church whose culture is other than his/her own.
I think the most challenge part for a pastor to lead a church whose culture is other than his/her own is to often feel forced to choose between picking a side or staying silent, both of which are losing options. Actually we should present God’s kingdom in church, learn from each others and respect each others. By reguarly teaching biblical principles such as loving our neighbor and controling our tongues, pastors can provide guidance and have meaningful conversations about cultural issues in a way that reduces conflict and encourages unity.
10. Describe your vision and hopes for the Church over the next 5-10 years.
My vision and hopes for the church over the next 5-10 years is as follows:
1. Devlopeing our youth ministry through Bible study fellowship, youth chior & music camp, educatioal discipleship programs.
2. Preaching Gosple and presenting Christ to our community through not only our current activies, but also including the Saturday school like Chinese, dancing, painting classes, etc.. Through these outreach activies, we hope we could attract more families to go to church and share the biblical truth and value to unbelivers.
3. Training and equipping church leaders to learn the biblical truth and experience more God’s love and power so that they could be empowerd to teach the truth and build others lives to follow Christ.
11. If there is anything else you would like to add about yourself that you think would help a search team to better understand and consider you as their next pastor, please elaborate here.