Join us this summer for an eight week Bible Study on the book of Ephesians. We will meet on Tuesdays from 7:15-8:45pm in the Folensbee Lounge. Our bible study will run from July 11-August 29th. Join us for one week or for all eight; everyone is welcome. Our study will include some well-known passages in scripture on “grace through faith” and “the armor of God”. In addition to these beloved passages, we will dig into some very difficult passages within scripture. Why does Paul talk about wives submitting to their husbands and slaves to their masters? We will take a deep look at these passages, how the church has abused them over the years, and how to interpret them in the whole context scripture. Be ready to talk about breaking down walls to build temples, spiritual gifts and calling, and the unity of the Church in Jesus Christ. We hope that you’ll join us as we read, study, pray, and fellowship together. If you have any questions about the Bible study, please ask Stacey Duensing, one of our summer interns.